Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Message of Saint Anne (Mother of the Blessed Virgin)

Marcos, dear son I love you very much and I am with you. I come today to bless you and to bless all my dear children! For all the children of MY MARY MOST HOLYare also My beloved children!
Fight children of the Light!
Fight apostles of recent times!
Fight true disciples of Christ!
Fight, fight with the light of Truth!
Fight with the Holy ROSARY!
Fight with the Holy Faith in your heart and on your lips, to overcome the errors of today's world! To rekindle the flame of the Holy Faith! Put out and diminished by the wickedness of men, so that the Light of Truth that is CHRIST shines before the whole world! The Light of Truth that is Mary! The Light of the Truth that is GOD!
Fight with the weapons of faith!
Fight with Prayer!
Fight Penance!
Fight with Love!
Fight the Truth!
Make the 'True Devotion to My Daughter Mary' shine again. For on this depends the coming of the 'Kingdom of CHRIST' to earth!
It is the 'True Devotion to Mary', it is the 'Kingdom of Mary' that will prepare the coming of the 'Kingdom of Christ'!
If the 'Kingdom of MARY' is not established on earth first, the 'Kingdom of CHRIST' cannot be established! For as in the same way, as He first came for MARY! The second time it must also be first for MARY that HE will come!
Yes! First came MARY into the world the first time, the 'LORD of all Peoples' and then came Christ. Now in the same way, it is MARY who must come into the world and reign in the world so that later Christ will come and reign Christ!
Do it. Do it My children and you will see the TRIUMPH OF HOLY FAITH CATHOLIC! You will see the TRIUMPH OF GOD!
Fight! So that My Daughter MARIA may be once again relocated, from the place from where they made her descend. Make the 'True Devotion' to Her reforest everywhere! Make Her loved! Known! Venerable! Obeyed! Praised and Blessed! For all the languages, peoples, races and nations of the four corners of the earth!
Make YOUR IMMACULATE HEART known! Beloved! Venerated! Praised! Wanted! Wanted!!! For only when this happens will the HEART OF JESUS also be known. Beloved! Wanted. Wanted! Wanted! Praised! And Beloved!
First the Devotion to the IMACULADO DE MARIA should reign so that then the HEART OF CHRIST reigns! Fight! So that the 'Devotion to My Daughter MARY' may regain its splendor from its early days of Faith! For only then will CHRIST find the hearts prepared, purified, formed so that HE can then operate, save and reign in them.
I bless all your efforts to defend My Daughter Mary, to love My Daughter Mary, to make My Daughter Mary known! I am your defender and I want all of you here to commit yourselves, making a 'True Consecration' of yourselves to my Daughter MARIA to live only for her! To fight for Her! To love Her with all my heart! In spite of men, of the world! And the devil!
I will help you with such abundant blessings! And with Graces so effective that the good cannot resist your words! And they will fall in love with GOD and with My Daughter Mary when they hear your voice spreading Her Messages!
The good will not be able to resist your words when they hear you announcing Her Messages! The good cannot resist! And even the bad, although they will not be converted, will fear your words! They will fear Mary!
Yes, my children! I will be with you and will help you. You can be completely sure of my assistance, my presence and my constant company with you! Every day of your life. As long as you are faithful to MARY in these Apparitions here! As long as you are faithful to HER Messages! You will always have in ME a friend, a companion and a protector.
But I warn you:- If you betray MARY, if you betray the LOVE of MARY in this Apparition! Do not look at Me anymore, for I will no longer be your Friend! Rather you will be your enemy! For you will have already passed to the side of the infernal serpent and therefore we will be in opposing armies, on opposing sides and I will have to fight you!
That's why I tell you little children: - Ask every day for the 'Grace of Fidelity to MARY', the 'Grace of Fidelity to MARY's Messages'! For many have betrayed her, many have already betrayed their LOVE here because they have not watched! Because they have not prayed! Because they didn't ask for the Grace of FAITHFUL LOVE.
Pray every day, to have a SOLID LOVE for MARY'S Messages! A LOVE that resists all temptations, trials, tribulations and sufferings! A LOVE that resists the 'contrary winds' that Satan will never stop blowing to try to destroy your LOVE! A LOVE that resists all storms! A strong LOVE that resists all adversities.
If you My children ask for this Grace from FATHER, JESUS to the HOLY SPIRIT through Me! THEY will quickly give it to you - they will give that Grace. Yes! GOD will quickly give this Grace, because what is asked through ME is always achieved, because I enjoy a lot of favor with the Holy Trinity.
My greatest desire is to see the 'Kingdom of my Daughter Mary' spread, spread throughout the world! Until it becomes a Garden of PEACE, of GRACE, of LOVE, of FAITH, OF DEVOTION and SUNITY.
Do all that I tell you My Children and you will see the miracle! Follow the directions that I have given you and you will not err, for those who go by Me never err and always reach MARY! And he who comes to MARY comes to SAFETY, for he who lives by her will never sin.
Yes my children, I am your MOTHER, pray to me! I thank you all who kiss my image devoutly, I have received those caresses, those caresses that you give me! And for everything I am very grateful! Know that no kiss will be given to ME in vain, everything will have reward and prize in the Celestial Glory!
Continue My children! Spread all the prayers that My Daughter MARIA has given you here, for these prayers will save the world!
Believe in it!!
Do not do other things than those that My Daughter MARIA told you to do!
Are you smarter than She?
Do you have more wisdom than HE? That is the thirst for wisdom! The throne of wisdom! The tree, the river of wisdom!
Are you holier and more perfect than My MARY, to create things that save and convert more than HE?
THE SKY is of the humble. He is one of those who obey GOD and MARY by despising themselves! HEAVEN is of the humble of heart! He who is not humble is not worthy of MARY! Whoever does not despise himself and his will to do MARY's will is not worthy of HIM and whoever is not worthy of MARY is not worthy of GOD who lives and reigns in HIM!
So little children, take it. Take these wonderful prayers that My Mary gave you and that My Marcos made for you. Spread these prayers, pray them fervently! And you will see little children as the 'Divine Grace' will act, converting sinners, saving them and transforming them into 'great saints' for the Glory of GOD, of JESUS, of the HOLY SPIRIT and of My MARY.
I am with you, always! When you pray the Rosary one Me to you! And I also pray to HEAVEN MARY, greeting My Daughter with those wonderful words of the ANGEL GABRIEL :-"HEAVEN MARY FULL OF GRACE". Yes, my children, I pray the ROSARY with you, because nothing gives me more joy than to bless Mary the Immaculate fruit of my bowels. Nothing gives me more joy than to say, "The Lord is with you. Yes! Nothing gives me more joy than to bless the ALMIGHTY for having created Holy, Beautiful, Perfect, Pure Mary and having united with Her in an indissoluble and mysterious way. And for having dated me the great saying, the great blessing of having been the MOTHER of my own GOD and LORD.
Oh! Wonder of wonders! MARY MOTHER OF GOD is the wonder of wonders!!! Oh, yes! MARY is the star of the stars, she is the sun of the suns! MARY is the light of the lights!
And I was chosen to be the MOTHER of this most wonderful creature! Incomparable! And unparalleled in the whole universe!
Blessed be My GOD! GOD of Israel! God of HEAVEN! God of the Earth! GOD of the Seas! GOD of all that exists!!! For creating MARY and giving ME to MARY!
Oh yes! I AM ANA to the very adventurous! I AM ANA the lucky one! I AM ANA the always happy one! For being elected to be the MOTHER of my own GOD. I AM ANA the happy one. I AM ANA the blessed one. I AM ANA the always favored by the ALMIGHTY! Because He gave me the favor of the favors that is MARIA.
I AM MOTHER OF MARY and HE is all MY LOVE and together we love GOD! And GOD is all Our LOVE! Oh! Ventura das venturas! Oh! Wonder of wonders!
I will bless the efforts of all who strive to establish the 'Kingdom of MARY' on Earth. And now together I, My Daughter MARIA and Our Daughter and Servant CECYLIA bless you all with LOVE.
I will return here. On the Feast of the Assumption of Mary in August, on the second Sunday of August I will return and I will be here with you once again to bless you.