Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Message of the Angel Samuel

(Marcos): The Beautiful Celestial Messenger, Who Are You?
"- Marcos, I AM THE ANGEL SAMUEL. The soul that desires to have true devotion to Us, the Holy Angels, and to be totally Ours, must not listen to the devil after the sin committed, who tells him not to pray anymore and not to read the Messages, because if he does, he will be hopelessly lost, since he will plunge into great spiritual and mental confusion, and will end up letting himself be chained again by the devil. Similar to a child who sees a serpent and soon runs into the arms of his parents, the soul must immediately run to prayer, to read the Messages, to retreat and to penance. The soul that desires to be Ours should not be too afflicted if it does not yet possess the perfection and holy love that we desire in Our Messages, for it could sin through impatience and then the devil could enter by pushing it into fatigue and confusion, and in this way the soul would lose all that it has already earned. The soul must seek perfect love incessantly, but without confusion or impatience.
The soul that wishes to be Ours should not give itself an instant of self-complacency and condescension, for in so doing it would be giving the devil the opportunity to find the house of his soul empty and tidy for him to enter. Keep the houses of your souls always full of Our presence, reading Our Messages and praying Our Hours, and the devil will not be able to enter, for he will find the house watched over by Us. May the soul that wants to be Ours not one day pass without examining itself and correcting itself of its sins by doing penance of them and trying not to repeat the same mistakes anymore. To do this fruitfully, may she ask Us, the Angels, to help her by enlightening her memory to remember her errors; by opening her intelligence to understand them as an offense and betrayal of the Lord and the Mother of God; and by moving her heart to hate them and sincerely love good and virtue. May the soul that wants to be ours not neglect his soul, for when he does so and judges that sin has already been conquered, it is there that he sits pompously on the throne of the heart. May the soul that wants to be Ours always try to fight its corrupted background, its self-love and its false love for God and for the Mother of God, so that the soul does not become the prison of itself and does not produce the poison that can kill itself. May they continue with our prayers always. Peace, happy Marcos. Be at peace".