Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Message of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph

My children. I Joseph. once again today greet you and give you My Peace. I invite you to read again all our Messages. I invite you to meditate deeply on all of them. See dear children, that you have been entrusted with a treasure of incalculable value. Treasure, which thieves will try to steal at all costs. What is this treasure? They are Our Messages. Who are the thieves? The demons, the world, the creatures, the flesh and your own corrupted and evil self.
These are the thieves who will try at all costs to steal the treasure from you. If you do not take care of the treasure. If you do not keep the treasure well guarded, well cared for and protected. You will lose everything and be reduced to much greater misery than you had before you received the treasure, that is, to know the messages and have possession of them.
If you do not take care of the treasure, the temptations, the attachment to people and creatures, the doubts, the distractions, the pleasures, the diversions, your own corrupted self. wicked. lazy. negligent and disobedient will end up destroying everything that the Messages have already produced in you.
If you, my children, are not prudent, not zealous for the treasure, the thieves will rob you. they will skin you from everything. they will steal all the treasure and you will again be in the most miserable and dreadful poverty!
If you do not take care of the treasure day by day. moment by moment. If you do not reread the Messages. If you do not meditate the Messages. If you do not pray much for the gift of love, understanding, obedience and fulfillment of the Messages, your faith will not last long because the thieves are on hand every minute to rob you of the Treasury and leave you in the most astonishing poverty, the most astonishing spiritual indigence.
My children, I invite you to see what a wonderful treasure these thousands of messages we have given you here. Do not be unworthy of this treasure. Do not be unworthy of it. Do not lose this immense treasure, My children, for your wickedness. For your carelessness. For your negligence!
On the contrary, be fervent, zealous, loving, dedicated, caring, PROTECTORS OF THIS IMMENT TREASURE that we here communicate to you which are our messages.
If you do this, my children, the demons, the world, the flesh, your own corrupted self, the thieves. You cannot steal even one coin from this immense spiritual treasure of yours.
Pray every day to the Angels and the Saints that they may protect and keep this treasure in you always unscathed. Always unharmed. Always intact.
Pray to our Sacred Hearts that we may make you capable of keeping this treasure well and even multiplying and doubling it in amount.
For remember, My children, that one day when the Son of God comes on a cloud. accompanied by his angels to judge the living and the dead, he will call each one before himself and he who has given two talents will ask for four. he who has given five will ask for ten. and he who has given ten will ask for twenty.
My children, know that all these Messages that have been given to you will one day be charged by the Son of God who will come on a cloud in heaven.
Yes, He will ask for the fruits, the profits of these Messages, and woe to him who has produced no fruit that has given no profit. nothing. It would be better for him not to have been born.
Get rid! Rid yourselves of this, my children. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE MESSAGES YOU HAVE ALREADY KNOWN AND HEARD. Therefore. So commit yourselves. Strive to make these Messages bear fruit, strive to make them bear twice as much fruit in you, so that you may then stand up and give to the Son of God and the Mother of God the fruits of all these messages and thus be worthy of the Crown of Eternal Life.
I your father. Joseph. I promise to help you in this arduous task and I say to you: If you are willing to give me and my action Surely you will be able to give all these fruits and profits of the Messages. I ASSURE YOU. YOU WILL SUCCEED IF YOU ARE DOCILE AND OBEDIENT TO ME. Peace!"
Jacareí, February 20
Message from Angel Joriel
"-Marcos, I am the Angel JORIEL. The soul who possesses true devotion to us, the Holy Angels, strives every day to imitate our virtues, that is, our obedience to the Lord. our readiness to carry out His orders. Our immense love and our fervor in carrying out His orders.
Our ardent devotion to His law of love. Our zeal to care for all that is His and belongs to Him.
The soul that possesses true devotion to us... seeks each day to increase more and more in the fervor, love, devotion, and perfection with which it carries out all things, no matter how small they may seem to the glory of God and the Blessed Virgin. A soul that does not put more and more love into everything it prays, into everything it does in the name of God and of the Blessed Virgin does not have true devotion to us. It does not have true love and will be a cursed soul.
The soul that does the works of God and of the Blessed Virgin will be cursed and will not have access to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The soul . Who treats the treasures of God, his Messages. His prayers. His words with neglect. With carelessness and in any way. With irresponsibility this soul does not have the true love for God, for the Mother of God nor for us the Angels. And this cursed soul will be and will be expelled from the saints.
Be careful therefore to have true devotion to us and not false devotion. Do not be deceived by yourselves for a moment, for many times your Heart already gives you the impression that you have true devotion for us, so that you may be stationed in the place where you are.
Do not be deceived. Always think that you do not yet have true devotion. Always think that you do not yet have true love and therefore you need to seek more and more true love so that you may not delude yourselves and charm yourselves into thinking that you already have true devotion and so do not progress along the path of true devotion and so do not ascend further in true devotion and holiness.
Be careful of yourselves . Beware of yourselves. And so, surely, you will never park. You will move forward at full speed climbing the steps of perfection, of true devotion, and of true love surely and surely, and our virtues will rise up in you. The virtues of the Angels and the whole world seeing this light in you will seek it and thus the darkness will be banished and annihilated. Peace!"