Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
160th Anniversary of the Apparition of the Mother of God in La Salette-France

(Marcos:) The Mother of God appeared today as she came in La Salette, with the apron, the long robe of wide sleeves, peasant's cap, and crowns of roses on her head, shoulders and feet. In her breast was the crucifix with a torqué and hammer. She cried throughout the Apparition, ceasing only in the last moments. With kindness, she told me:
Our Lady
"-I am the Virgin of La Salette! Today they celebrate My Appearance 160 years ago on that high French mountain to My two little children, Maximino and Melanie. It was a serious Apparition. It was an important Apparition. It was the decisive Apparition for the beginning of the fulfillment of the facts and secrets of the Book of Revelation in the whole world. In La Salette, as in Paris and Lourdes, I opened the sealed Book that contains the secrets of recent times, some of which have already taken place in these 160 years and are about to end in human history, which will culminate in the decisive struggle between Satan, the demons and the evil men who follow the demon in this world, against Christ and His followers, along with the Holy Angels. Yes, human history lives under the secret of La Salette. Human history develops and unfolds in the light of the secret of La Salette. Human history lives under this continuous duel between My Son and Satan, between the good angels and the bad angels, between good and bad men. They fight Heaven, Earth and Hell. All good Angels and good men fight under My orders, for I am the General of the armies of God. Together with Me fight St. Michael and the good Angels fight good souls. Together we fight against Satan, against the bad angels and the bad souls that live in this world spreading the errors that lead to the destruction of souls. Yes, I am the General of the army of God, I am the Commander of the army of God, and I come to Jacareí to make all good souls gather around My sign, and together with Me they fight, together with Me they fight for the salvation of all souls. And, what is My sign? That sign I quoted in Marienfried, in Akita, and which I quoted here? IS MY ROSARY! Around My sign, this My sign, My most Sacred Rosary, good souls gather, in prayer, meditate on My Messages, deepen My Words in their hearts and in their souls, and with this sign, they fight, pray, announce My Messages, so that this world can be saved from the terrible and great apostasy that has already taken all things. Now is the decisive moment of battle. Fight, soldiers of Christ! Wield the sword of justice and faith, of prayer, sacrifice, devotion and obedience to Me, so that together we may fight the last battle of this war, which, since My Appearances in Paris, La Salette and Lourdes, continues to this day. The time has come for the last fight, the last battle. Whoever fades, will lose everything. Whoever perseveres, will receive the crown of eternal life. Whoever gives up, will lose salvation. Whoever persists, will receive Paradise as a prize and the salvation of his soul. I appeared at La Salette to finally call upon all My children and transform them into these roses, with which I appeared to gird - Me Head, Heart and My Feet. that these children might be transformed into roses perfumed with virtues which, with prayer, sacrifice and penance, together with Me, might rescue the souls who are prisoners of sin, prisoners of Satan, to set them free, and to restore them to God, their only and true Lord. I appeared at La Salette, to undertake with My children the last battle, the last enterprise for the salvation of the souls of all humanity.
May My children listen to Me! May My children listen to Me! May My children give Me their 'yes', the definitive answer I have been waiting for for centuries. I tell you, My children, this place of My apparitions here in Jacareí will end the secrets of La Salette. From the beginning of My Messages here, I have cited the secret of La Salette in My Messages, to indicate to you that this My Appearance here is the conclusion of La Salette, is the finalization, the glorious crowning of My Messages and of My secret of La Salette. Have confidence in Me, obey Me, and you will see My Triumph and the Triumph of Christ with His Kingdom on earth. The dreadful crisis of the church, which I described in My secret of La Salette, has been going on for many decades, and now should reach its full height, its apex. But I tell you, little children, you who obey Me, who obey My Messages, and who today are excluded, marginalized and persecuted by the members of the church, you will save the church, with your prayers and with your obedience to Me. And, in the future, the whole world will see that it was I who saved the church, I made it rise from the ashes; I made it rise gloriously myself. And I will do this through My children who, today, are persecuted by those same members of the church who sink and destroy the church. Yes, these humble souls, unknown to the world, suffering, poor, who have renounced themselves to follow and obey Me, these souls will save the world and the church. My Immaculate Heart will triumph. They must obey Me in everything now. The only voice they must obey and listen to is Mine, for I announce to them the pure, uncorrupted and undiminished Gospel, not obscured by the apostasy that has spread throughout the world today and has entered the church, obscured it. I repeat to you the Gospel of my pure Son Jesus, and it is my voice that you must hear, follow and obey. So My Heart will triumph as I prophesied in La Salette, and the glorious kingdom of My Divine Son will come to earth, and then it will be pure, holy, and in it there will be no more sin, evil, the dominion of Satan. I call you, My children, to wait with Me, full of faith and hope for the new heavens and the new earth, which are to come. Today, with my two little shepherds Maximin and Melanie, who are together with me in paradise, triumphant, to all blessings.
(Report-Marcos) "Then he spoke to me, blessed me and disappeared.