Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Feast of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy


Our Lady

"- Dear children, today, on the day of my Assumption into Heaven, I hear souls: I tell you, raise your eyes to me, the Woman dressed in the sun, crowned with twelve stars with the moon under her feet and terrible as an army in battle order. The perfume that My Glorious Body exhales, the perfume of paradise now descends upon the whole earth to abolish the stench of sin that has taken hold of all mankind, to give it again that state of grace in which the Most Holy Trinity created it for the first time, so that it may then ascend to the Most Holy Trinity the perfect love, perfect adoration and perfect glorification that is due to Her by all Her creatures. My Glorious Body is a sign of terror to Satan. As they look at me, demons tremble and are paralyzed by My power. They are forced to return to the caves of hell, and from there they cannot leave for long, until they are given permission again. My glorious Body is a sign of consolation to the souls in purgatory during my visits to that place of atonement. The sufferings of souls are relieved, their hearts rejoice with joy, and they then enjoy great happiness and comfort from the sight of My Glorious Body. My Glorious Body is a sign of joy among the Angels and Saints of Paradise. They exult in joy when they contemplate me. Their own glory has a significant and very considerable increase when they praise me, bless me, and glorify me. In Heavenly Paradise, My Glorious Body is for them a sign of love. It is for them a sign of the increase of love and gratitude towards the Most Holy Trinity who made me this way and created me so Beautiful, so Wonderful, so Pure and Immaculate.

My Glorious Body is a sign of hope, grace and salvation for My militant children on earth. Yes, for My militant servants, who fight for me, for my cause, for the cause of My Son Jesus on earth, for them My Glorious Body is a sign of love, of hope, of comfort in suffering, of balsam in pain, of joy in sorrow, of light in darkness, of certainty in confusion and uncertainty, of hope in difficult times. Of love and joy in prayer. Of grace, of sanctification, of salvation and redemption in times of sin. And for all these My children, My Glorious Body is the sure pledge of victory that awaits all those who consecrate themselves to the service of the Most High and of My Immaculate Heart. My Glorious Body is the defense, the guarantee of God's victory over Satan, sin and death. My Glorious Body, exempt and preserved from death, is for all My children already the sign of what will happen to them at the end of the world when all peoples will rise, and then shine like the sun, and the righteous will enter the kingdom of My Son Jesus, who was promised and prepared for all those who were faithful to Him.

My Glorious Body is for all, for all My children, the safe refuge. My Immaculate Heart is the safe refuge for all My children, where they will be sheltered, guarded, protected, nourished, fed and kept by Me. My Glorious Body is a sure sign that my Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end and this world, dominated by the darkness of evil and the devil, will finally be freed from its slavery, and then it will be able to enter the new times of Peace, of the Grace of Universal Holiness of Love and Salvation that I myself each day hope and eagerly prepare to give to all my children. Therefore My children, on this Sacred and Blessed day, I invite you: raise your eyes to Me, the Assumed Woman in Body and Soul, dressed in the sun, brighter than the sun. And be filled with hope!

My victory is certain and imminent. I paid no attention to what my enemy does to discourage them or to dissuade them from the certainty of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Raise your eyes to me and stare only at me not looking, not paying attention and not considering anything else that exists in the world and that is done by My enemy to discourage them. Stare at me and then, My children, you will never, never perish. For he who looks at me will be saved. To all of you today I bless you with my special blessing, which you must pass on to as many of you as you find. with love, from Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal and Jacareí".



