Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 17, 2006
Message of Saint Joseph

(Report-Marcos): Today, Saint Joseph came in a white tunic, with a blue-gray mantle. He said to me:
St. Joseph
"Son, tell souls that I seek souls made of pure fire, pure love for the Lord and for Mary, the Lady. I desire fully spiritual souls. Little man prays who talks too much with creatures, and too little inner life has man who entertains himself too much with creatures. The contemplative life must be balanced with work, prayer with the very spreading of the Messages and the apostolate for the salvation of souls with interior life and recollection. Souls who want to be My daughters must be friends of silence and prayer, of recollection and interior life, so that each time God's grace grows in her and I can act in her. The Holy Spirit is not in the bustle and the boiling of the mob and I cannot act in souls to give them my graces. The soul who wants to be My daughter, seeks Me in prayer and silence, where I can cumulate her intimacy of peace, light and love. The soul who desires Me seeks to be alone with Me for a few moments in her day, and even when she prays with other people, she seeks to be alone with Me to receive My light and My Grace, looking only at Me. Blessed is the soul that cultivates the interior life, with prayer, spiritual reading, silence, serenity, because in it I will be able to perform great works of grace and sanctification that will give glory to the Most High and to the Mother of God and will console My Heart very much. Son, peace".
(Report-Marcos): "Then he blessed me, spoke to me and disappeared.