Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, July 9, 2006

Message of Saint Joseph


(Report-Marcos) The Three Sacred Hearts United came together. They looked at me lovingly. With great kindness, St. Joseph gave the Message to the world today:

St. Joseph

"-My children, I, Joseph, once again come from Heaven to call them to true and sincere conversion. Look, My children, that some time ago the Blessed Virgin said that she would make the days pass more quickly, so that the world would soon arrive at the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, because the Most High can no longer bear so much sin, so much evil, and so much indifference of men towards the Mother of God on earth. My children, notice how the days are running fast, how the year is passing fast; this is a sign for all of you! a sign that time is running out; a sign that the time for the conversion of the world is running out; and whoever does not convert; whoever does not become holy, will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Humanity has rejected Our Messages, the Messages from Heaven, from Paris, La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, to this point, those of Jacari, and that is why the world is now covered with suffering and pain, with violence and the punishments of nature; with disunity and coldness among men; with hatred and evil; with violence that explodes from all sides. Humanity has turned away from God, rejected the Holy Faith and the Holy Law of God; it wanted to shake God's authority from above itself, and now, that is why the world is in this sad state it finds itself in today. Only a great force of prayer, of obedience to the Messages, of spreading the Messages; only a great movement of prayer can save this humanity. If they do not do what I am saying, two thirds of humanity will perish, and with sacrifice one third of humanity will survive the punishments that are coming. My Heart trembles at what may fall upon the world if they continue to refuse to hear Our Voice. If they continue to disobey Our Messages, the punishment that will fall upon the world will be so great that it will cause astonishment even to the very demons of hell, so terrible will it be. Flesh will come loose from bones, and many bodies will explode into the air. Fire will fall from heaven and two thirds of mankind will be burned. If they do not listen to Our Voice, men will reach a degree of evil so great that they will kill each other in the streets and in the houses.

O my children, why do you not wake up? O my children, why don't you pray? Why don't you do penance? Why don't you put yourselves to work for Our Hearts by spreading Our Messages, and taking Our prayers to every family and every place? What are they waiting for? That you will be the next to perish? What are you waiting for to begin? Let go of yourselves; let go of your own self, your own will; go out, walk, pray, speak, take Our Messages before it is too late. There are many souls who can still be saved, yes! Yes! All is not lost! There are still hearts that will listen! You have to go to them, because if you don't, you will be the ones to blame for their condemnation. Forward, my children! Forward! Time is short! Time is running out! And you are still parked in the same place, without obeying the Messages, failing to obey them; failing to pray; failing to divulge; failing in faith and virtues; failing in everything. My children, get up! Convert yourselves! Transform yourselves! You can transform yourselves! You can be converted if you turn to Our Hearts, if you obey Our Messages, if you live true devotion to Us! I am near you to help you. I am your Father. Whoever asks for My help, will never, ever be helpless! I need workers. I need apostles, who do all that I am saying. If they do this, Our Hearts will triumph and the world will be converted, and the longed for and longed for peace will finally come. Forward! Continue with all Our prayers that We have given you here: with My Hour, with the Hour of Peace, with the Hour of the Holy Spirit, with TREZENA, with SETENA, and above all with the Holy Meditated Rosary that My favorite son Marcos makes, because this is the most perfect Rosary there is, the one that comforts Us the most and satisfies Us the most, and is also the most powerful to save their souls. To all today I bless. To peace".

(Report-Marcos) "Then they spoke to me, blessed me and disappeared.



