Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

I am the elixir of Life. Everything that exists has its origin in Me and to Me it must return. In Mary I find my full consolation and my full joy. Only through Mary can you serve me with the perfect love and righteousness that I desire. Outside of Mary there is no Grace, Light or Mercy from Me for souls. Yes, it is right Marcos to say that I am the Love in operation. I am just what you say. I am Love. I will live forever and always act and operate in my creation through Mary. Mary was created not only to generate the verb but so that God would console Himself in her by giving Himself entirely to her. Mary is my home. Whoever wants to find me will look for Mary and find me living in her.