Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My Heart is going in search of the poor sinners to introduce them to the Kingdom of Heaven Banquet Hall. More than the father of the prodigal son, I have loved you. Not waiting for you, but going out after you to rescue you and take you to the House. Can anyone love You as I do? In these times, My Mother, My Father Joseph, and I, we have seen your search without rest and in every way, we have tried to save you, but this world, which has ceaselessly rejected all of Our Messages, will already know the hour of its overwhelming martyrdom, because this disobedience of the world has no justification whatsoever before My FATHER. Quickly, my son, read again all Our Messages, pray the Meditated Rosary and the prayers we gave You, because the Punishment will come like a thief and like death, suddenly. I love you, and I tell you, I have never enlarged My Heart so much with these Apparitions here, and they are the greatest expression of My Love for you, after I first came to earth.
Peace, my Marcos. Peace, my son".