Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, April 3, 2006
Message of Saint Joseph

My Heart is the source of peace for this peaceless world. For the soul who wishes to please the Most High perfectly, I offer the effective means and the only right one.
True consecration and devotion to my Most Loving Heart. To have it, you need three things:
- First: Give yourself completely to me and let yourself be guided gently by me.
- Second: Imitating my virtues and promptly obeying my Messages.
-Third: To pray My Hour and often contemplate My Most Loving Heart.
If the soul does this, I will be able to bring it the perfect glorification of the Lord and true life in God. I am ready to take all who want to give themselves to Me in order to elevate them to a higher height of interior life in God".