Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

(Report-Marcos): The appearance of the Holy Spirit. The Lord appeared to me in the same way as at other times and said to me:
Divine Holy Spirit
"-I Am the Light and Life of all My creatures. I am the source of life, peace and happiness. Whoever comes to me through Mary and calls upon me through her, I will receive him and place him in the womb of light and my love. I am among you, but you do not recognize Me. Yes, you do not recognize Me because you do not want to recognize Me in the Apparitions of my Most Holy Wife. I am the eternal pilgrim who passes through the world with Mary, and men do not want to recognize us. Yes, men seek Me here and there, and where truly I am, they do not seek Me. They cannot accept that I am present in simple places, without human approval and without earthly honors. Their rationalism has blinded them and they cannot see Me! Therefore, anyone who wants to meet Me must first prostrate himself at Mary's feet and beg her to grant him to see Me, that is, to perceive Me in the places of the Apparitions of Mary so that he can meet Me and know Me. That is what I desire. Without this first step, all the others on the path of conversion and sanctification are useless.
(Report-Marcos): "-Then it disappeared.