Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

(Report-Marcos): The Holy Spirit appeared to me today as at other times, that is, as a beautiful young man of about 20 to 30 years, light hair, shining face, blue eyes, wearing a luminous white tunic. After the initial greetings, he dictated to me the following Message:
Divine Holy Spirit
"-I live and reign in Mary forever! I am the Lord, the love and life of all that exists! Through Mary, I have taken everything from nothing and taken everything that exists by living and from everything that exists, I conserve existence through Mary! Through her, I grant men the grace to know and love me. Through her I enlighten the intelligence of men to understand my beauty and will and to execute what I desire for their good and for my glory. Blessed is the soul who turns to Mary, my most beloved Wife, to know my desires, for through Mary I am willing to give everything, everything! I am your God and my desire is to be worshipped by all in truth and with life. And this will only be possible through Mary. Just as to remove the treasure from the vault one must first ask the treasurer or box, so to remove My treasures one must first ask My Treasurer, Mary, into whose hands I have placed all My riches and possessions. I will reign on earth for Mary, in spite of all the contrary forces. My second descent will be through and done by Her. Pray the Holy Rosary fervently, for at every prayer of the Rosary I release a ray of My light into your souls. The Holy Rosary will be decisive for my second descent into the world. I also prayed to Joseph, who was My burning Tabernacle on earth and is even more so in heaven, for it is He who is to introduce into the Cenacle of recent times the elect who are to receive Me in the second descent that I shall make. Peace to all. Peace, my dear Marcos".
(Report-Marcos): "Then he spoke to me intimately and disappeared.