Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos Report): Our Lord, Mary Most Holy and St. Joseph came in soft purple and were sad. They had two angels, one on each side. After the initial greetings, St. Joseph gave me the Message to the world.
"- My Most Beloved Heart is sad to see the Messages of Jesus and Mary so despised and disobeyed! The Eternal Father will send two punishments to Brazil, another to Germany and another to Italy. Latin America will also be punished for its sins. Spain will shed tears while France will groan. If the Eternal Father does not find true love in hearts for the Messages, the punishments will come. Only true love can save the world now. Love the Messages, and God will save humanity. God does not want to punish you, but He cannot do anything in the face of your disobedience and rebellion to His Messages and to His Most Holy Mother. Pray always to my Heart that new apostles of the Messages may be raised up throughout the world. Continue with all the prayers (Note: the Meditated Rosary, the Hour of Peace, the Hour of St. Joseph, the Hour of the Rosary, the Thirtieth, the Setena) that We gave you here in the Apparitions. To all we bless, from Lourdes, Marpingen and Jacareí, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".