Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos Tadeu Report): The Holy Spirit appeared as at other times, with the appearance of a man of about 30 years old, blue eyes, although today he was wearing a light blue tunic in an intense light. The Message was given in the second person singular, because the Lord addressed each one in particular. After the initial greetings, he told me:
"-Come, my son, listen to what I, your God, have to say to you today. I am He whom your heart searches tirelessly, yet cannot find, for you seek that which only I am and can give in the creatures of the world. I am the One who comes to you to give you Light, Peace and Love! Son, I want you to come to me so that I may give you my wisdom. For this, you must come to Me for Mary. She is the only one who enchants Me, who touches My inmost self and who can get from Me what she wants. Those who turn to Her to acquire Divine Wisdom reach Her in fullness, because, at the voice of Mary, I cannot resist and I grant all that She asks of the soul who turns to Her. She can grant souls Divine Wisdom, since She has always been and is full of Wisdom! Souls who receive the gift of Wisdom from Mary's hands know how to recognize the sign of these times, that is, God's VISITATION with Her and in Her to admonish, warn, form and prepare the whole earth for My Second Historical Descent. Those who do not possess Wisdom through Mary's hands cannot recognize this VISITATION of God in the Apparitions, since they refused and rejected Mary, did not want to obey Her, so their own wickedness blinds and deceives them. If they truly loved me, they would recognize My VISITATION in the Apparitions of My Heavenly Wife, Mary! That is why their life is a continuous mistake, a continuous 'supposing', a continuous 'fantasizing', because they do not possess the Divine Wisdom that only through Mary can I give them! Now, you, son, who hear Me, if you want My Wisdom, pray to me this way:
"O Holy Spirit! O Wife of my soul! Come to me to transform me into Your work of joy and election, so that Your eyes may rejoice and please my soul! You want to rest in my soul: make me Your garden, give me Your peace! Do you want to act for me: give me your grace! You want to work in me: be the Life of my life! You want to radiate Your light: be the light of my eyes! You want to make Your love known: be the flame that opens me! You want to water what is dry: thirst for the water that softens my hardness and dryness! O Holy Spirit! All this I beseech you for Mary, with Mary and in Mary, for only dust can I receive any and all Grace of your Love! I ask You, for Your ardent love for her, to come upon me and to fulfill in me Your holy plan of salvation. Amen!
Pray to me this way, son, and I will hear you propitious and inclined, and I will give you the lights of my infinite Love, I will seal you with my predilection and I will make you my object of love every minute. Stay in peace. I bless you".
(Marcos Report): Then he blessed me, spoke particularly to me and disappeared.