Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Message from Angel Beliel
(Message incomplete - recording available for transcription, inaudible)

I came to help you! I know that you are constantly hurt, even though you have always sought the good and salvation of all. I know that you feel like a stranger sometimes in the midst of humanity and that this makes you suffer. But offer all this right now to the Mother of God and she will transform it all into graces of salvation for humanity.
Pray to me always! I am attentive to your voice and to the least groaning, to the least distressed look of yours, I will come faster than lightning to help and comfort you. I offer you my wings of light as a home and protection.
Know that the meditated Rosaries you make are improving many souls and saving many others around the world. They are neutralizing Satan's plans and blinding him, preventing the infernal serpent from doing more harm to souls than it has done so far.
Continue more and more!
Gentleman of the Rosary, forward! Forward! This is the Sanctuary of the Rosary. You are the seer, the messenger of the Most Sacred Rosary. I will always be with you. Peace!
(Marcos Tadeu Report): Then the angel smiled at me and disappeared leaving me an enormous peace.
As the angel said, if the world had obeyed La Salette's messages in 1846, if the world had obeyed Fatima in 1858, if the world had obeyed Bouraing and Bannoux in 1933, the world would not be in this calamitous, horrible state in which it is now. Full of evil, violence, sin, hatred of God, hatred of neighbor. If things have reached the point where they are, it is because humanity since 170 years ago when Our Lady began to multiply her apparitions on earth, the world never tires of saying to her: "No! I will not obey you, Mother of God! I will not obey, Virgin Mary, your messages.