Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My son, write to the whole world what I am going to tell you:
For centuries I have been granting graces of mercy to the world. As if the promises I made to my daughter Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Apparitions of my Most Holy Mother were not enough, in these Apparitions in Jacareí we granted the Holy Medal of Peace, the Scapular of Peace, the Hour of St. Joseph, the Image of our Hearts, our Rosaries, Setena, as powerful means of salvation, so that all may escape eternal damnation and reach Heaven. And as if all this did not come, we granted miraculous signs seen by all, even in photographs and films, to see if this evil, disobedient and skeptical generation would turn to our side, and obey us kindly. But even with all these graces of mercy we have granted, it does not obey us and does not return to our arms.
That is why fire, water, earth and air will turn against this evil generation, for even inanimate beings can no longer bear the disobedience and ungratefulness of human beings to our Hearts that have so benefited them.
The ingratitude of human beings towards us even leaves the demons themselves perplexed, and that is why this present generation will be judged more harshly than the others, because being the most benefited, more gratitude should be shown to its Celestial Benefactors. Happy are those who now obey our Messages, for they will not attain to the rays of my Eternal Father's wrath. For his mysterious designs the punishment is still withheld temporarily, He is waiting for the number of the elect to be completed, and when this number is completed, then my Mother will get out of the way of the Eternal Father, from whose gaze rays will come forth that will do justice to the good and innocent, and punish the evil.
For the moment the wheat and the weeds coexist for the greater suffering of the wheat, but soon the Angels will come to pull out the weeds and throw them into the most ardent fire, which will never be extinguished. My Blessed Mother and I never sleep, and we see every tear that falls from your eyes. They are gathered by Us and are transformed by our hands into so many other prayers to reach a new time, a time of peace for yourselves and all humanity. Hope, trust! Those who have trusted in my Sacred Heart have never been destitute, those who have trusted in my goodness have never been without mercy.
Continue praying to my Blessed Mother, for only she can save you from all this and obtain my forgiveness".
(Marcos Thaddeus): "I heard. Glory to God!"
(Marcos Thaddeus): "I looked and saw a new angel, that is, an angel whom I had never seen in the apparitions until then. He was beautiful, brown hair, blue eyes, white tunic, shining brightly. I asked his name, he answered me: "
(Marcos Tadeu): "Smile. He also smiled at me and continued: "
It is necessary to pray to the Holy Angels incessantly in these times, because Satan is furious against those who pray and obey the messages, because they take many souls away from Satan with their prayers, sacrifices and deeds. If you pray to us, we will be able to help you a lot, and Satan will not be able to defeat you.
I am one of the Angels of Light of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I protect these Apparitions of Jacari and those of the whole world, pray daily like this:
"Holy Angels of light from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help us and protect us", and we will come to help and comfort you immediately.
Continue to pray and obey the messages, for in this way many souls will be saved and at least one third of humanity, Marcos peace, must be saved".
(Marcos Thaddeus): "Then the Angel disappeared".