Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Message of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph
Appearance at the Seer Marcos Tadeu's House

(Marcos): St. Joseph, deign to give your message to your children. Guide them, train them, educate them, correct them and enlighten their souls.
(Saint Joseph): My beloved, write down what I am about to say and communicate it to my children so that they may all know my mercy even more and my sadness for the sins of the world.
"My heart is more and more afflicted by the destiny of humanity. Months and years go by quickly and humanity continues to disobey our messages. Our hearts are filled with pain for the sins of disobedience of this perverted humanity and rebellious to our messages.
If humanity had obeyed the messages of La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal, Heede and the others, the world would not be in this terrible situation.
The last hope of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are these apparitions here. They hope that the apostles of recent times will leave here and spread their messages to the whole world. They hope to find here the laborious bees they have always dreamed of, bees that pray and work without ceasing for the cause of their messages.
If this does not happen here, they will give up and the Eternal Father will abandon the world to the fury of punishment and evil, to whom mankind taxes obedience for his present way of living.
If here the hope of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is frustrated, they can expect punishments greater than the flood!
Humanity has not yet reached the summit of its ruin and if our messages are not obeyed, it will become even worse than it is now.
I do not say these things with joy, but with sadness at seeing so many disobeyed messages and humanity going at full speed along the road that leads first to its destruction and death and then to Hell.
My eyes are torn with tears of blood as I see that disobedience to our messages has become the rule of life for Catholics and humanity in general. My heart is wounded by a sword to see that nowhere do the Hearts of Jesus and Mary find kindness, obedience and collaboration.
There are no souls who want to carry the cross with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, there are no souls who want to help them in their mission to convert the world.
The hour of the apostles of recent times has come, your time has come, my children, rise up apostles! Forward! Announce to all peoples, to all souls our messages, for only they can transform and save this evil and cruel world.
Be the apostles we seek! My heart will follow them and guard them with my grace and light.
If you do this, our hearts will triumph and the world will know the age of love, goodness and peace. Continue to pray my hour every Sunday, for I will give you many graces through it and I will save your families!
To all today I bless".