Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Message of Our Lady


(Report - Marcos): On this day Our Lady appeared in a purple dress and a black cloak, even though it was a day of celebration. Although she was not crying, her countenance was of 'great sadness'. After the initial greetings, the Blessed Virgin said to me:

(Our Lady) "- My son, today you remember My Apparition in Baneaux, Belgium, in the distant year 1933, to My poor little daughter Mariette Becco.

. It was a very important Apparition. It was a decisive Apparition.

. In that 'Blessed place' I invited the whole world to prayer, poverty and trust in Me.

. In that 'Blessed place' I offered to the whole world a Fountain of Miraculous Water to relieve the sick, to comfort the afflicted, to pour the balm of My LOVE on all My children.

. In that 'Blessed place' I presented myself as the Virgin of the Poor, to tell them that I do not abandon them in their sufferings and difficulties. and just as I was poor and suffered with patience the pains and works of this life, beside my DIVINE Son and Saint Joseph, I also want to share their sufferings and works. Relieve the heavy burdens that My children carry.

. In that 'Blessed place' I presented myself as the Virgin of the Poor, to tell them that they are not alone in their difficulties, but that I am with all My children, and that I ardently desire to pour out My Mercy on them all.

. In that 'Blessed place', I have come to call all humanity to conversion, prayer and penance. In the persevering prayer that my little daughter Mariette made in the snow and in the cold while she waited for me to arrive at the Apparitions, a profound example of prayer and penance was given to this atheistic, materialistic and hedonistic world. Let us all learn from my daughter Mariette how to do the penance and sacrifice that pleases and consoles me so much.

. In that 'place', I followed up My Plans initiated at La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima, preparing the souls of the whole world for the 'decisive events' that will bring the world to the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart, and to the complete defeat of the Devil and sin in the world.

. Therefore, My children, today I invite you to raise your eyes to Me as a 'sign of hope, comfort and love' and to prepare yourselves with Me, in prayer and penance, in the vigil of waiting for the 'decisive events' that will lead you to the Kingdom of LOVE of My Immaculate Heart, for soon I will come to relieve suffering".

(Report - Marcos): "After this Message, the Blessed Virgin still gave me many personal orientations, speaking to me as a very loving and full of tenderness. Then she smiled, gave me the Blessing and disappeared".



