Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 12, 2001
Message of Saint Barbara

At the Place of the First Apparition of Our Lady in the Shrine of the Apparitions
"I come today, by order of OUR LORD and the Holy Virgin, to say that the MESSAGE that I brought here on January 21 of this year was not heard and was not put into practice, and that is why the LORD and the Holy Virgin are so 'sad and bitter'.
The HOLY VIRGIN is weeping and asking the world to convert, without anyone paying attention to ITS SURPLICAS. Therefore, I ask you today to put into practice the MESSAGES of the Holy Mother of God as soon as possible.
Possible, so that the world may be converted, and thus the pain of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary may be diminished.
As I announced, Great and Serious Punishments are about to fall upon this world which, through sin, has declared war, hatred and enmity against GOD. If the people do not make a general reform in their lives, customs and acts, soon a Great Punishment will come, because the sins, especially those of impurity, have grown overwhelmingly. And the LORD and HIS SOLE MOTHER can no longer contain the ETERNAL FATHER'S BRACE, offended by the world.
Hurry, Marcos! tell everyone to convert as soon as possible and to listen to this URGENT APPEAL that I am making to you today, in the NAME OF THE SAINT HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY".
(Report - Marcos) Saint Barbara came with a light purple tunic, with a very sad countenance, although she did not cry. Her Hands were placed in prayer throughout the Message. During the Apparition she also gave me private directions and then left for Heaven.