Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 22, 2001
Message of Our Lady

My son, I gave many 'warnings' to the world, but he didn't want to answer me. I gave messages in La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Baneaux, Beauraing, Akita, Garabandal. Montichiari, Medjugorje, and in many places. Since the world has not answered Me and has not heeded My supplications, it will have to drink the CALICE of the DIVINE IRA until the end, until the last drop.
While I 'beseech' prayer and penance, My children think only of amusements and pleasures, despising My Appeals. And in return, others seek only to follow the 'NEW SOURCES' of the world, which have penetrated into the Holy Catholic Religion, despising the 'SIMPLE MEANS' which I gave them in the centuries past, when the Holy Catholic Faith was threatened, to follow the 'NEW SOURCES' which are now spreading by dragging many souls, but which DO NOT lead to a true and profound life of prayer.
My children leave these 'CHANGES' that now seduce many and take with LOVE the Holy Rosary, that I myself came from HEAVEN to 'REVEVEAL and DELIVER' to Saint Dominic, for the salvation of My children. The Rosary is a 'SIMPLE and HUMILY MEAN' of prayer and salvation, when well meditated and full of LOVE.
If you present a prayer that is not made with MY PARTICIPATION and INTERVENTION, it will be worthless before GOD. But, if you place it in My Hands, so that I present it to GOD, it will gain infinite value, for I will supply it with My Merits and My Motherly Grace, and then it will be extremely pleasing to the LORD.
The Holy Rosary is the most perfect prayer, because it is made WITH ME and through ME, and that is why it is so powerful. The proud despise it, because they DO NOT LOVE ME and that is why they do not understand it.
The Holy Rosary is the 'ONLY REMEDY' for present evils, and He is the PRAYER that will lead you to the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart. It is a simple and very effective Prayer, that even the smallest of children can pray and reach the DIVINE Mercy.
Pray then, My children, the Holy Rosary always. Only with many Rosaries can I save them from the 'threatening loss' that now weighs on the world".
"My children, even today, I AM THE LADY OF Sorrow. (pause) Two thousand years have passed, but MY Sorrow has never left me. They have never left ME, because men do not cease to sin. They do not cease to offend MY SON. They do not cease to offend ME, who AM the MOTHER of all men. and the MOTHER of GOD.... MY HEART IMMACULATE each day receives more and more thorns. more and more offenses. more and more sins, with which the poor sinners outrage Him. They offend Him. and despise Him. and so it happens with the SACRED HEART of MY CHILD JESUS.... To console Me, I asked for the Five First Saturdays of Reparation devotion to MY IMMACULATE HEART, in FATIMA, to MY SCHOOL BROTHER LUCIA. I even promised that Russia would be converted. that sinners would be converted if this Devotion were spread and fulfilled.... I was not heard! Then MY SON JESUS came to Hungary, and to MY Daughter BROTHER NATALIA, made 33 PROMISES for those who, not only on Five First Saturdays, but on NINE, would honor Me, together with YOUR SACRED HEART on Nine First Fridays, promising salvation to those souls who would confess themselves. Communion on the First Friday and First Saturday of Nine months in a row. Pray a THIRD to relieve Me, doing 15 minutes of meditation on the Fifteen Mysteries of the ROSARY. WE promised so much, in exchange for so little, but. once again we were not heard.... That is why My children, I am coming back here today to JACAREÍ, to ask you:- Make the Reparatory Novena of the Nine First Fridays and First Saturdays of the month, to disintegrate the HEART of MY SON and MY. because the FATHER can no longer bear to see OUR HEARTs pierced in this way. Yes, because the thorns and the swords that OURSELF reach also the HEART of the FATHER.... Oh children! Oh my generous souls! where are you? What do you do that you don't have time to come and get the thorns from the HEART of your MOTHER?..from the HEART of your GOD, who died for all of you?.... My son, tell the world that this war that is happening is only the beginning of 'pains'. Why don't you listen to MY SURPLICAS, (pause) because you don't obey MY MESSAGES, (pause) because nobody cares about MY APPARITIONS and MY ORDERS, (pause) the world will have to drink the CALICE of GOD'S WORLD until the end.... I have tried, and I have tried to prevent the Punishment as much as I can, but. I already see the Hour when the JUSTA IRA of GOD, despised by men, will say to Me:"-BASTE, MY CHILD! You have done enough, for those who do not give You a 'drop of love' and not a 'drop' of love for Me. Enough! I will purify humanity, because MY EYES can no longer bear so many daily atrocities". Ah my children! Astro Eros will make the Earth seem to be burning with fire. Many will die of fear, (pause) fear and consternation will be general. At that moment everyone will see the sky open before him. and he will become like a papyrus that curls up. he will turn white. and everyone will see before him all his sins (pause) of all his existence, until that moment. and the pain of the evil ones will be terrible, My son. terrible!.. satan will fetch many who served him for their sinful lives. it will be horrible to go with the evil one, My son. it will be horrible!. It will seem that the world will be ending, but it will not be the end yet. The Earth will shake. many will scream in fear. they will tear the hair off your head. they will curse your life taken without GOD. but it will be already late. the time of PEACE and MERCY will have passed. and humanity will be treated this way and despised, because it despised the MESSAGE OF GOD, which passed through all the countries of the Earth announcing penance and conversion! Little children, little is the time he has left. his days are already numbered. the hours, the minutes are gone like leaves blown to the wind. (pause) How long will I have to put up with them? How long will I have to put up with their falsehood? They want to live with GOD and with sin at the same time! with MY SON and with the World! They want Heaven and at the same time, 'all the earth'! (Note: all that is mundane, carnal and satisfies the pleasures of the senses) How can this be, My children? can it be?..For over 10 years I have been teaching them and asking them to renounce all that is mundane. and choose GOD. (pause) Leave sin! and STOP GOD!...Because the world has not listened to MY MESSAGES, from LA SALETTE, to here in JACAREI, will bear the weight of their madness and their insanity. He wanted to free himself from GOD, who is LOVE and JUSTICE. and now he's going to spin like an unruly pawn.... Oh children! You have never been in such great danger as today! but, again, I speak to those souls who love ME. to MY true Apostles. to those who want ME WELL. to those who make ME known and loved. to those who obey MY MESSAGES. and are attentive to MY MINIMUM WISHES. and I say to them:- Don't be afraid! I know those who are truly faithful to Me . who obey My WORDS! and to those I will keep! I will jealously protect in the Refuge. in the Safe Room of MY IMMACULATE HEART. The Heavens and the Earth will pass by, but MY IMMACULATE HEART. MY MOTHER LOVE. will never pass by you, My faithful children.... Therefore, continue to pray the ROSARY every day. to do the YEAR. to go to the HOLY MASS. to CONFESS HERE every month. to live the WORD of GOD and to OBSERVE MY MESSAGES. And so, My children, will be consoling Me. they will be wiping MY WORDS. and they will be removing the 'painful thorns' that so wound MY MOTHER HEART.... Today, I, the MOTHER THAT I AM for you consoling, bless you with LOVE".
*Observation: This message must be understood in the context of the time when it was given, when the apostasy of the Church was not as strong as it is now. Today to go to masses in Brazil means to drink pure poison of liberation theology, communism, diminishing the value of Our Lady, the saints, the Rosary, denying the existence of Hell, Heaven and other dogmas of faith and, therefore, it means putting your faith and your salvation at risk. In the case of the Communion of Reparation requested by Our Lady in this message, it must be replaced by Spiritual Communion. Understand more about apostasy by asking for the CD The Great Apostasy on the Sanctuary phone: 0xxl2 99701-2427 or through the website:
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My son, tell souls that MY HEART is full of 'sadness'. of deep sadness, MY son.
In many Churches of the world. MY BODY and MY BLOOD. MY HOLY SACRAMENT is profaned. How many sacrifices, MY children! How many sacrilegious Communions! How many souls receive Me with the soul in a state of mortal sin! Flagging MY BODY again. crowning ME with thorns. spitting at ME. spitting at ME. and nailing ME to the Cross.
Ah, my son, tell the whole world: May my children not Commune with me in mortal sin! (1). May they examine their consciences before the HOLY MASS, to see whether or not they are prepared to receive Me. It is very true that only MY MOTHER was worthy to receive MY BODY and MY BLOOD, and no other creature could
ME receive, because only THERE is the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. But, for MY excessive MERCY and for the excessive MERCY of MY MOTHER, who so much begged. that she so much desired that MY SACRAMENT be instituted. then, in attention to HER RIGHTS. and for the salvation of souls. I instituted MY HOLY SACRAMENT, that I AM MYSELF among you. But I instituted it to be loved. to be adored. to be surrounded by grace. of holiness. of piety. of devotion! and not of contempt. of coldness. of hatred. not of sacrileges!
How MY MOTHER cries when HE sees ME despised, desecrated in the HOLY EUCHARIST. Murderous hands will receive ME in the HOLY COMMUNION! Unclean hands will receive ME in HOLY COMMUNION. and I, 'hostage' to the evil of men, suffer again MY PASSION.
Ah, MY son, says that it is because of the sacrileges committed against ME in the SACRAMENTO that there are so many serious, mysterious and incurable diseases among you. In MY ME they wound. in their flesh they are wounded. It is the JUST IRA of GOD! If you want these evils to disappear, make the sacrifices and desecrations against MYSELF disappear in the HOLY EUCHARIST.
I sent MY MOTHER here to teach the TERRY of EUCHARISTY in 1993 to remove the 'thorns' from MY HEART. To make reparation to me. so that MY SACRAMENTO 'shines' again like the SUN of the world. But what have they done? They despised all the 'GRACES', all the 'PRAYERS', all the 'GRACES' that my MOTHER gave them! They don't care about praying. All they think about is fun! They only think about acquiring material goods to have and to enjoy.
How MY HEART hurts! What word can you use the most to express MY BIG HATE?
Another 'sword' that hurts MY HEART terribly is the distrust of souls towards MY LOVE and MY DIVINE MERCY. In Holy Confession they are not sincere. They do not tell everything. They do not accuse themselves perfectly before MYSELF. With fear and false shame.
There, in Holy Confession, I am to forgive. to save what was lost. And not to condemn! Not to put out the wick that still smokes! There I am to heal and to save. to wash and restore with MY BLOOD. Why? Why don't you trust ME?
The 'sword' of mistrust ME hurts much more than the 'sword' of other sins you do! Do not distrust ME anymore, MY children! No longer resist MY MERCY which follows and pursues you. Open yourselves to ME. Throw yourself into MY arms! . Throw yourselves into MY arms, passing first through the Arms of MY MOTHER! . I sent you before ME, here in Jacareí and in many places, to prepare MY RETURN. Give everything to her and so you will be giving everything to me. It is because MY MOTHER is not known that I am not known. And it is because she is not loved that I am not loved. Love Her. Love Her. Love Her! And you will be loving ME. Obey Her Messages and you will be obeying Me.
MY HEART is always here in this place. Beating of Pain and of Love. For this ungrateful, perverted and sinful humanity. Who does nothing else but persecute Me and make My NAME and the NAME of MY MOTHER disappear!
Turn around! Turn to MY HEART!
And you, my son, remain firm in MY LOVE. Fight bravely, Knight of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. I give you the Sword of the Burning Love of MY SACRED HEART, so that with this Sword, you may overcome the works of the Evil One. And make My Grace and My Mercy, with My Mother, reach all the hearts of men.
Pray more often to the IMACULATE and EUCARISTIC HEART of MY MOTHER. Talk to her at Communion too, because my mother is with me at Communion! Not in the 'sacramental way' as I am, but SPIRITUALLY and REALLY present! It is an Unfathomable Mystery of LOVE. WE ARE ONE and ONLY LOVE! Thus WE ARE on Earth and WE WILL BE for all ETERNITY in Heaven.
And do all this for the LOVING HEART of SAINT JOSEPH, HE was the one who LOVED MY HEART the most and the IMMACULATE HEART of MY MOTHER. No one has been as FAITHFUL and LOVING as HE! Love the LOVING HEART of SAINT JOSEPH and I will grant you immeasurable GRACES.
I bless you".
(1) Note: This message should be understood in the context of the time when it was given, when the apostasy of the Church was not as strong as it is now. Today to go to Masses in Brazil means to drink pure poison of liberation theology, communism, diminishing the value of Our Lady, the saints, the Rosary, denying the existence of Hell, Heaven and other dogmas of faith and, therefore, it means putting your faith and your salvation at risk. Understand more about the apostasy asking for the cd A grande apostasia in the phone of the Sanctuary: 0xxl2 99701-2427 or for the site:
(2) Note: Here, Our Lord refers to the DIVINE GRACE, present in faithful souls.
Message of the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
"Son, tell the souls of the whole world, My LOVING HEART wishes to guide you into the IMMACULATE HEART of MARY and the SACRED HEART of JESUS. I was elected on earth to be the Guardian of the Holy Virgin and the Son of God. If I have performed with so much Fidelity and with so much Perfection the office of Guardian of GOD Himself and of YOUR MOTHER, will I not be able to guard them? To protect them from all evil?. Will I not be able to know the 'Way' and the 'Only Safe and Right Way' that will lead them into TWO HEARTS?
Come to ME! Come to ME! My LOVE HEART calls you. invites you. One step is enough. one act. one act of trust. one act of total surrender.
Learn from ME, that I am also Meek and Humble of HEART. that I am Patient. that I am Generous...that I am Obedient to GOD. I will teach you Justice and what pleases GOD's eyes. I will teach them to LOVE. and I will also teach them to hate sin.
I will teach them that which leads to Heaven. and I will also make them see, taking the blindfolds from their eyes, to see that which leads to the fire of hell.
How much it pains me also to feel my LOVING HEART to see that, once again, the Holy Virgin is not heard . it is not welcomed or received with Love, as it was not once in Bethlehem.
Two thousand years have passed. and men continue to repel her and close their doors to her. and to Christ, who is ALWAYS with her and in her.
Just as I looked for a cave in Bethlehem to shelter the HOLY VIRGIN and the SON of GOD, even today I look for other caves in the hearts. To welcome them. To recline them there. But for the most part, I find only deep pits filled with darkness and impurities.
My son, I approve of the Litany to My LOVING HEART that you have composed. Write it down and spread it to the whole world, so that all may pray it. so that all may invoke Me and experience MY POWERFUL SPONSORship. Satan will tremble before those who call upon Me and call upon My LOVING HEART. I want this Litany to be known throughout the world, that it may be converted and have PEACE.
Pray for the Holy Father (Note: Pope John Paul II). Pray for Peace. Pray for his conversion".
(Report - Marcos) We prayed together the Our Father and then the Three Sacred Hearts told me some particular things, said goodbye and began to rise serenely from the top of the Tree of the Apparitions until they disappeared in the immense distance of the firmament.
Today Our Lady came in a black cloak and purple dress, like Dolorosa. Our Lord and St. Joseph were also wearing the light purple tunic. Our Lady cried the whole time of the Message and Our Lord, from one point of the Message forward, also began to cry. They both spoke with great difficulty because of His pain.
They did not smile at any point in the Message. Our Lady was with Her Heart visible in the Chest, pierced by 'thorns'. Our Lord was also with His Heart visible, only crushed, with a Great Stain of Blood around it. The Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph was also visible, disfigured by pain.