Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, September 7, 2001
Great Monthly Upper Room Message of Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ Message of Our Lady

(Report - Marcos) After the initial greetings, I asked Our Lord and Our Lady what they wanted from me. Our Lady always in a very grave and sad tone, shedding many tears. Her voice, overwhelmed by pain and affliction, was like the voice of someone who seemed to have made a great effort and who was, therefore, as if tired. After they had given me their instructions, Our Lady said to me
(Our Lady) "My Heart! (pause) my Immaculate Heart, is transgressed from DOR. (pause)
Men do not listen to My Messages and admonitions. (pause), and it is because of this that a great punishment will come to earth. (pause)
If you do not pray, Russia will be the 'whip' of humanity. (pause)
If you don't pray, Brazil will have a lot to suffer. (pause)
The increase in violence and fighting among you is a punishment for your sins.
Are you crying for the lack of Peace, My children? For I tell you that you will cry much more. (pause)
Because they did not fulfill My Messages, Satan became the master of youth, the master of families. The master of many priests and many souls, who go on the path of perdition. (pause)
There are many who do not want to hear My Messages. Who do not believe in them. Who have no respect for them. And who mock them. (pause) For all this, the Arm of My Son is too heavy! (great pause)
They are already in the last Messages and, until now, they have not converted. (pause) How can My Heart not be sad? (pause) How can My Immaculate Heart not be pierced with 'thorns*? What Mother does not suffer when she sees her children disobeying her and going on the path of perdition? (long pause)
Brazil! (pause) Convert! (pause) I, Your Mother, have asked you this many times. ) (pause)
France, (pause) you have been given a lot! I have made many Apparitions and Graces to you. (2) Much has been given to you. Much more will be charged to you. (pause)
Spain! (pause) What have you done with My Messages? (pause) Listen to Your Mother who told you about Garabandal, El Escoriai and so many places. (long pause)
Italy! My Immaculate Heart loved and gave you so much. And much will also be asked of you. (pause)
Chile! Chile! Why didn't you hear the calls of Your Mother in Heaven? Why didn't you listen to what My Heart (pause) told you? (long pause) If My requests are not heeded, very soon (pause) people will kill each other in the streets, and death will be seen everywhere, reigning over cities and peoples. (pause)
Only I can give them Peace! Because GOD (littleapause) has placed Me at the Gate of Heaven and no Grace comes from Heaven to earth except through Me, and nothing goes from earth to Heaven except through Me.
I AM Theotókos. (short pause) the Mother of GOD! (short pause) the Queen of Heaven and Earth! (short pause) the Queen and Messenger of Peace! (long pause)
Listen My son! (short pause) My Heart can no longer bear to be pierced by so many sins. (pause) I am exhausted from so much asking humanity to convert, and finding no answer in My children. (pause)
Look at my son, my Immaculate Heart. Full of thorns! (Great pause) (Note - Marcos: here I saw the Immaculate Heart of Mary surrounded and pierced with sharp thorns).
Console My Heart! (pause) Take the 'thorns' from Me, My son! Take the 'thorns' from Me! Don't let Your Heavenly Mother suffer like this! You can comfort Me. You can comfort Me by your prayer and your life! (pause)
Tell My Children (pause) that My Heart is in pain. That My Eyes do not stop crying. And My Soul is in constant affliction! For I see My children 'going in rain' to perdition. (pause)
May the souls of good will (short pause) come from all over the world to answer My Messages and My requests. Say it, My son, say it. (short pause) and be calm and not afraid. Nor the calumnies. Nor the attacks. Nor the hatred of people against you. (short pause) If they persecute you, it is because Satan does so. If they hate you for no reason, it is because Satan instigates them so.
Pray and triumph over them, My son, by patience and trust in Me. I AM their Mother. And I am and will always be with you. At your side. (pause)
Tell My children not to offend My DIVINO Filho, who is already very offended. Pray the Rosary every day, My children, and live everything I have communicated to you. (long pause)
If you do not enter the Ark of Salvation which GOD gives you, the Ark which is My Messages. (pause) you will not be able to enter Heaven afterwards. (long pause)
I give them My Messages (short pause) with My very distressed Heart. Listen to me! Answer me! Listen to me! Without delay".
(1) Our Lady refers here to the requests she made to Brazil in the past, as in Pesqueira, Fortaleza, Erechim and others.
(2) Here Our Lady refers to the Apparitions of La Salette, Paris, Lourdes, Pontmain, Pelevoisin, Dozulé. all in France.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Report - Marcos) During the Message, in a very serious and sad tone, representing a great DOR. His Voice was overwhelmed by sadness.
"My son, tell the souls, tell My children. That I, JESUS, am here. (short pause) I am here always, and not only today. I am here twenty-four hours a day with my Mother at the foot of this Holy Tree. We are constantly at the foot of Our Miraculous Source. And at the foot of My Father's Fountain, Saint Joseph.
Tell, My Son, to the souls of the whole world, that My Sacred Heart yearns for them. (pause)
I am HERE as Merciful to save you all. (pause)
If you weep for all your sins, if you repent here of all your wickedness and vileness. My Sacred Heart will be for you a refuge and a shelter. (greatpause)
My Heart is sad, my son.
How sad I would not be, seeing so many sins that are committed on earth. Without repentance! Without any pain, in my soul and heart. On the other hand, the prayers are not enough to placate the Wrath of My FATHER. That it is so offended...that it is paid with so many ingratitude. (pause)
My Heart is sad, my son. Tell this to My children all over the world! Tell My children to dry My Tears and My Mother's Tears! With your prayers and with your life. (pause)
The devil has taken over many priests. Many bishops and cardinals, who no longer preach the Gospel as I gave it to them.
The devil has taken possession of youth and manages it. As you well understand. (long pause)
Many mothers do not let the creatures in their wombs be born. They kill them! And this sin cries out to Heaven, cries out to ME, for vengeance. (pause)
Many, (short pause) live together 'like animals' without being married in My Holy Church and My Holy Law. They live in sin and offend Me every day. (pause) Tell these My children to change their lives! Let them leave sin and walk holy in My Presence. (pause)
Many, they only pray to ask for material things, and they think they can fool me. To those. I close My Hearts, and open them only to those who ask Me for Graces to do My Will, and for My Kingdom of LOVE to come to earth. (pause)
Many come here not to listen to My Messages and those of My Mother with love, but to mock and debauch them. (pause) These people will have My Justice already in life, and at the hour of death, I will be a ruthless Judge to them. (long pause)
Some come here and don't even pray a Hail Mary. Better (littleapause) that they had not come. For in so doing they provoke My Justice, and My Justice will be with them. (very long pause. one stop).
Brazil! (pause) What have you done with My Messages and My Mother's Messages? (pause) Why have you trampled on Our Messages, O Brazil? Convert quickly! Convert Yourself! For otherwise your own children will be your destruction and ruin. (pause
If the Brazilian people don't convert soon and live Our Messages, the demons will take and destroy everything! They will sow war. hatred and destruction in this homeland. (pause) I cannot save you, if you do not want it. (pause)
Do penance! Pray the Rosary! Visit me in the Blessed Sacrament. Even for twenty minutes a week*. (pause)
Pray the Way of the Cross! Do fast! Live My Word! (short pause) And what I want. (pause)
Keep coming here, little children. Keep coming here because this Holy Place (small break) is a source of Grace for you. My Mother and I are here constantly waiting for you. Come. Come. Come to Us! (pause)
Tell the Holy Father (Note: This is the Pope of the Season, John Paul II) that I am with him always and that my Mother accompanies him wherever he goes. And His Immaculate Heart (littlenapause) is and will be His Eternal Refuge. (pause)
See, My son, how my Sacred Heart is also pierced with thorns? (pause) These are the sins. That poor sinners commit. (pause)
Don't be afraid of anything, My son! (short pause) You are persecuted, aren't you? But they also chased ME. They scourged Me, crowned Me with thorns, crucified Me and gave death., (small pause) but in the end, I TRIUMPHEI. and you, with patience, love and trust in OUR, will also triumph. (pause)
Tell Marcos, tell My children that I love them very much. And may they stop mistreating My Mother and My Heart with their sins.
What costs Me the most is to see My Mother cry. Because She, being as Good as she is, did not deserve and could not (littleapause) be as offended. as she has been for you. (pause)
If you do not want the Wrath of My FATHER to manifest itself, (pause) run! Move! Convert yourselves!
I, all of you, bless you now".
Continuation of Our Lady's Message
(Report - Marcos) Then Our Lady took the floor again, she always told me in a very serious and sad tone, with the Voice embargoed by DOR and Affliction:
(Our Lady) "Do you see, My son, how men are no longer interested and do not ask about My Messages? They are not interested, My son. They don't care about anything. about anything. (smallapause)
The day of punishment will come and take them by surprise. And the number of those who will perish will be great, My son, it will be great! (pause) I know the day and I know the time. And it will be great, My son! Many will perish.
That is why my Immaculate Heart is transgressed and paralyzed from pain. (pause)
Tell My Children to Dry My Tears, My Child. May they dry with the Rosary. With the spreading of My Messages. Only then will these thorns come out of my Immaculate Heart. (pause)
Tell everyone, My son, that My Soul is in constant affliction for the perdition of My children. There are many, My son! There are many of them! Hell has opened its bowels and swallowed up many, many who have lived in sin, My son.
Tell the souls not to sin anymore. and to heed My requests, for only I can save them (short pause) for the Merits of My Sorrows and Tears. for My Own Grace and Holiness. and for My Messages. (pause)
Say, My son, that My Heart is transgressed from DOR, and can no longer bear the sadness that causes Me so many sins. so many sins".
(Report - Marcos) Then, Our Lord and Our Lady, after saying goodbye to me, rose from the Tree of the Apparitions, slowly to Heaven, until they disappeared into the firmament.
Our Lady appeared today in a black cloak and purple dress inside, Corm Dolorosa. Our Lord was also wearing a white tunic, slightly purple, also representing a Great DOR. During the Message, Our Lady looked as if she were so full of pain, a pain so great that it impeded her speech. She had a very sad countenance, she shed many tears. She also looked like a person who seemed tired, who seemed to have made a great effort, and because of this, she was as if tired.
Our Lord also spoke slowly, His Voice was overwhelmed by sadness. THEY, during the Message, did not smile at any time.
After the Messages, HIM gave the Blessing to the people here present, to the objects, to the candles, to the rosaries, to the books, to all that you brought with you, with the intention that it would be blessed.
This call remains for us, the meditation of this Message today.
Today, I don't know if you must have noticed, but Our Lady made it possible for everyone to also hear what LAS was speaking directly to me, what LAS was speaking directly to me. This is a Grace from Our Lady's Heart for sure, and it is good that this is happening. and I knew this was happening, so that you can see that in the Apparitions, Our Lady talks to the seers, She does not just come to give the Messages and then she goes away, as if she were using the seers and that is it. No, she talks to the seers, she talks to me, she is my MOTHER, she addresses me, she shows me her heart.
This is good for Our Lady to grant, so that we realize, that She is our MOTHER, that She knows us that She loves each one of us, and that the Message is addressed to the whole world, but it is also addressed to each one of us individually. So, when WE speak, WE speak full of LOVE to the whole world, as if WE speak to the whole world, and WE speak also, as if WE speak to each one of us.
SHE speaks with enough LOVE for the whole world and enough LOVE for each one of us.
How Much LOVE Our MOTHER OF HEAVEN has for us, and that we therefore do not offend Her more.
The pain of Our Lord and Our Lady is very great. We must do something quickly to console them.
*Remark: This message must be understood in the context of the time when it was given, nor was the apostasy of the Church as strong as it is now.