Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 13, 2001
Feast of Our Lady Mystical Rose
Message of Mary Most Holy

Today you remember My Apparition to My little daughter Pierina Gilli in Montichiari in 1947...It was an important Apparition...It was a Great Event...It was a Great Sign for you...My Apparition in that place, later prolonged in Fontanelle, was the Great invitation of the Heavenly Mother to humanity, to the CONVERSION, to PRAYER and to PENITENESS...however, I was not heard. My Tears of Sorrow continue to fall on Montichiari and on this world, without anyone to console Me... My Montichiari's Messages have fallen into oblivion and contempt of humanity, and My Motherly Appeals have thus been rejected, for 'those' who were the object of My greatest Devotedness to Love, thus opening a great and painful wound in my Immaculate Heart.
Today I come to ask for reparation for the great sin that humanity committed in despising My apparition in Montichiari, just as Lady Mystical Rose I appeared in Montichiari, to teach the Rosary of Blood Tears, which I had taught here in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, a short time before, so that at its greatest spread, it would become a 'powerful weapon' for My beloved children, in the fight against Satan and the forces of evil I will come soon to save you...To all of you today I bless Fatima, Montichiari and Jacareí".