Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 7, 2001
Apparition of Our Lord and Our Lady
Message of Mary Most Holy

"Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. and I come from Heaven, once again, to open my Heart to you, to communicate my Light to you, and to fill you with my Peace...Children, do you see how the 'serpent', the devil, attacks me ferociously, seeing that I am tearing 'from him' many souls, thanks to the spreading of my Messages and my Holy Life(*), here in this My Shrine in Jacareí?
(*) Note: These are the Books of Our Lady's Life called "Mystical City of God" which are published in the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí)
The attacks of the world, and even of priests, against me and against this apparition of mine is for you a 'sign'. a 'sign' that you are living the times of the Great Battle and Great Proof that I have always spoken to you...a 'sign' that the serpent, the devil, is fighting a decisive battle against me, from which one of us will be defeated. A 'sign' that you, My children, who are the weakest part of 'My Being'(**), My 'heel' sign that when you resist the serpent, the world, sin, together with Me you crush its head. and then its tail flutters against Me and against you, My dear children. But you must fear nothing! I am with you. I love you. I help you and lead you along the road of conversion, salvation, peace and God's grace.
(**) Note: Here, Our Lady is saying that we are Her offspring, Her heel, against whom the serpent invests, as described in Genesis (3,15) and Revelation (12)
Support yourselves in me totally. Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, which has been with me for so long for your 'dwelling place', your 'refuge', your 'garden'. Enter into my Immaculate Heart, my children, and remain in it forever... forever... This is what I, the Mother in Heaven, the Mother of you, desire... Proceed with the Prayer of the Rosary. Do not forget to offer it for My intentions. I would like to ask all of you who are here to pray the 'Rosary of Triumph' for five Saturdays in a row, that Rosary which I taught you here in Jacareí, and which is contained in the Book of Our Messages. and to pray with a very precise and clear intention: - The intention that My Immaculate Heart will triumph here in Brazil.
They should pray for this Nation to be converted, for this Nation to listen to My Messages, and to attend to Me. If you do this, you will give a 'Great Joy' to my Heart...Continue to go to my Sacred Fountain down there...continue to drink from Her...wash in Her. with confidence, and ask through Her the conversion of your hearts. I have Great Graces to give you, through the Water of My Source, but you must drink from Her with confidence and Love for Me...My children, this is the month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. Just as the 'blood of the lamb' at the door of God's people in Egypt saved them from the scourge, so too the Blood of my Divine Son Jesus in their souls will deliver them from the 'punishments' of God's Wrath. Teach others to pray it!..and in this way, My children, you will be protected from all the evil that Satan wants to inflict on you...I ask you, finally, to spread 'My Book'. I ask you, finally, to spread 'My Book' so little. And the souls who have it do not read it much. Spread My Book of Messages, My children, so that the world may be converted and have Peace...It is for My living is the living desire of the Mother of the Lord!I offer it to you all at this moment.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My beloved souls, my Heart beats with Love for you all. From here, from above this 'Sacred Tree', I look at you. I bless you. I heal you, and I give you Peace...My Sacred Heart unleashes tonight, the 'Two Rays' that I showed to my daughter Sister Faustina, and to this My Beloved Son, Marcos Tadeu...the White Ray, the 'Water of My Heart'. the Grace that purifies souls. ...and the Worm Ray, My Blood, which is the Life of souls...I pour out these Rays of My Infinite and Divine Mercy on you...let yourselves be involved in My Grace...let yourselves be 'washed' in My Holy and Ineffable Love, Purifying Love...My Souls, My Blood is of an infinite price.
Even if you had great virtues...and if you had done great works to offer to the Eternal Father, it is still not is not comparable, to the infinite value of My Most Precious Blood. Do what my Most Holy Mother has sent you: pray the Litany of My Most Precious Blood every day. because through it, I will convert many sinners. I will grant you many graces. I will fill your hearts with my goodness and with my wisdom, with my strength and with my light...Satan, the 'murderer from the beginning', my enemy, the evil one, has no power over the souls who pray my Litany, that of my most Precious Blood. Pray it, and you will obtain the Peace and Graces you need for your salvation...I ask you, My children, to make Fasting with more Love...that your hearts be burning with Love when you make the Holy Fasting. Fasting without love has no strength. It is vain. Only Fasting made with Love pleases Me and pleases My Mother, and can then move My Father's Hand to accomplish Graces and Wonders on your behalf...Pray with Love. Prayer without Love is vain. it is like a bell that tolls. your prayers must be burnt with Love. When I say burnt with Love, I mean even when you are arid.
Even in dryness, you can pray with Love. Even without fervor, you can pray with Love...Love does not depend on fervor. A soul may be fervent, but not always the degree of its love is like the degree of its fervor...and a soul may be really arid, but its Love for Me still throbs in the heart...I want, My children, that you pray with Love...understand that it is Love that pleases Me...that which holds Me...that which attracts Me to you. I am Love, and I want to find Love in your hearts. Love... Love...Next month, I will not appear on the 'seventh day'. I will come two days before, on the 'fifth of August', which is the Day of the Nativity of my Blessed Mother...I will come here to praise bless thank her for her honor her...and I wish you all to come here...I bless you all in this instant".