Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, June 11, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): After the initial greetings, Our Lady, with a very sad and afflicted countenance, said to me:
(Our Lady) "My son, tell the world to convert as soon as possible...I have done everything I can to stop the Punishment, but I will not be able to stop it any longer if you do not truly convert. Because of your sins, Punishment is coming...If it comes, it will be worse than being cut off by fire. It will be so terrible, that people will even repent of being born, how much suffering they will suffer...I cry, I beg and I beg everyone for conversion, as soon as possible...Only with conversion can you avoid Punishment. Otherwise, it will be horrible, my son! Horrible."