Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 19, 2001
Message of Mary in the Shrine of La Salette - France

(Marcos) On this day the Blessed Virgin appeared to me at about half past ten at night, at the place where Her statue is ascending to heaven before the little shepherds Maximino and Melania. She was dressed in gold. After the initial greetings, she said these words to me:
(Our Lady) "My son, I am happy and I thank you for having responded to my request and for coming here to La Salette.
I have waited for you here for a long time, and now I wish you to spread My Message and My Secret of the Last Times, which I gave here, in this very Holy Place.
The world did not believe in My Message, nor did it appreciate My Tears. and as if such evil were not enough, it persecuted My Secret of the Last Times and My little daughter Melania to the end.
Filled with malice and perversity, men, and among them many Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, helped by the serpent, who is Satan, employed all their efforts to bury and annihilate My Message and My Secret of La Salette. They succeeded in their attempt on a large scale, and only failed, thanks to an Extraordinary intervention of Mine, which brought them (the Secrets) into the hands of true My children, before they were totally annihilated.
However, the old serpent, not content with the damage she had already done to My Appearance of La Salette, left in violent persecution to My true children who believed in Her. She made them be despised, ignored, and ridiculed until they were almost discouraged. Above all, the devil seduced many Church authorities to silence, bury and bury everything in a great pit of incredulity, silence and contempt. Meanwhile, My children continued to live inadvertently in sin, condemning themselves and going in rains to hell. (Here Our Lady paused, for she was about to cry)
For 154 years I have been pierced by a 'deep sword of DOR', with no one to make amends to Me, nor to console Me. I have already addressed myself to many elected souls, asking them to help My Message of La Salette, but I was not heard. My son, console Me, by doing what I asked. After recording everything you can, spread My Message of La Salette to every corner of the world, beginning in Brazil.
If you do this, you will certainly wipe away My Tears of Sorrow, and remove the thorns' from My Immaculate Heart. My hope is all over you, my son, so spread my Message everywhere.
I also brought you here, because you and my Shrine in Jacareí are the Continuation and Conclusion of La Salette. You yourself remember, my son, when I first told you about La Salette in 1993, when you knew nothing and did not even know what my idea was here. You were surprised and amazed by what I told you, and above all, by the news that My secret of the Last Times was already in progress. You knew nothing and couldn't imagine how many connections La Salette had with you and with My apparitions in Jacareí. I wanted you here, and now I ask you to get to work and do everything you can to spread La Salette to all souls of good will.
Did you see how simple and poor my little children Maximino and Melania were? Well, my son, tell the whole world that poverty is not a sign of God's displeasure, but of His liking. Misery is a consequence of God's sins. I was poor. My Divine Son was poor. Saint Joseph was poor. God always keeps in holy poverty those whom He loves. Be careful with material goods, because those who are rich will hardly be converted, because they are attached to what they have, and love their goods. Those whom God wants to save, He keeps in 'holy poverty', so that their only true Good is HE alone.
Be always simple and friendly to the 'holy poverty', My son, and tell My people to do the same.
Pray very much for this My Shrine, that it languishes in lack of Faith and fervor. Pray that My greatest triumph over evil may come soon, so that I may annihilate all the work of darkness in this world.
Go in Peace, My Son. Thank you for coming here. I bless you and all My children who sincerely love and listen to Me.