Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, April 9, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Report - Marcos) On this day, Our Lady appeared and asked me to raise my Book of Her Messages and Apparitions from Jacareí to Her, because she wanted to kiss it. I did as She asked and then told me:
(Our Lady) "Tell all My children that this Book is Holy and that all those who have it, read it and live it, will be blessed and will have a Light, a brightness stronger than that of the sun itself, in the Glory of Heaven.
Those who have it can be sure that they read and hear the 'living call', the Mother's Own Prayer of GOD who appeared in Jacari, to save all of Her beloved children.
Those who read and live this Book will surely be saved; surely. They will be saved.
I want My children all to go to My Source, drink and wash in It".