Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, April 5, 2001
Message of the Angel of Peace

Marcos, today I, the Angel of Peace, come from Heaven to tell you that the Three Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph are immensely happy that you brought the books of His Most Holy Life here.
Know that your gesture has a triple merit:
- not having been revealed to you these things, yet you believe in them and spread them;
- As these revelations are buried by the Church and humanity, you will take them out of hiding and give them to the world;
- having neither riches nor material goods to buy these 'Mystical City of GOD' Books, and being poor, you have struggled, unfolded, fought and managed to bring them here, and from here they will go to the whole world.
Therefore, feel happy, for you will be blessed by the Most High Queen of Heaven and Earth every day of your life, and forever you will be guided, protected and loved by her. Satan and all hell are furious with these books and with you, but fear nothing because we will always be with you, always.
The vision you had yesterday (1) was a prophetic announcement of what the Sanctuary will be in the times to come.
Here, (2) will really be the Mystical City of the Mother of GOD, and the Heavenly Garden of Angels and Saints.
Tell the people who take these Mystical City Books of GOD with them, that by taking them they will be taking their own entrance to Paradise, because whoever reads and practices them, will surely be saved".
Note:(l) This is a vision that I had on the night of April 5-6 at the Shrine of the Apparitions. I was talking relaxedly with the other Little Slaves of Mary, around almost midnight. Suddenly I saw appearing, from top to bottom, at the top of the small hill where the Great Cenacle of the 7th of each month is held, a gigantic figure of a church all white, with a beautiful blue Cross at the top of the tower, that spread a light so beautiful and so wonderful that it seemed even mystical; then I hear and see big bells in that tower ringing wonderfully. Then I saw how two large and equal colonnades form around that great church, and descend to the bottom. Then I looked in the direction of the Chapel that is being built in the Shrine and I saw it already finished, beautiful, with a blue-grey roof, the color of the dress of Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace, and all white. It was a dazzle what I saw. Then I looked in the direction of the Fountain and saw it covered with ex-vows and tributes to Our Lady. Looking further up I saw other buildings that I couldn't quite understand what they meant.
I kept asking my friends if they were hearing the bells and seeing what I saw, but they answered that they were not. I kept pointing to them in the direction of the things I saw, but they could see nothing.
As I looked in the direction of those great things, I suddenly heard a noise of singing voices coming from the entrance of the Shrine and coming closer and closer. Looking more attentively I saw a large group of people approaching me. I went to meet them. My friends followed me. When I got to them, I noticed that their clothes were different from ours, especially a kind of "cap" that some of them wore on their heads, and I soon concluded that they were not from Brazil. I asked them where they were from and if they understood what I was telling them. They answered yes, which surprised me a lot. Then one of them who seemed to me to be the leader of the group said to me, "We are from Russia and we came here to greet and thank the Great Mother of GOD who appeared here and saved our Nation.
I then exclaimed, "My GOD! From Russia? But how did you know so quickly that Our Lady appeared here, if not even the people around here know about it?" He then answered me, "But how do you not know? The whole world has already come here, and we are one of the last nations to arrive here. (Here he told me the name of the year, which surprised me greatly at the time, but after the vision, I completely forgot it, remembering only the last number which was 9, not knowing how this could have happened, so that I no longer know if the year was 2009, 2019, 2029, etc.). The whole world has already come here! " he continued.
I was stunned and stunned, unable to say a word. I then addressed words of welcome to them and welcomed them to the Shrine, and then their leader came to give me a fraternal hug. I also went to hug him while the others sang, when suddenly the man disappeared and also the people who came with him. When I looked around me, I was alone with my friends. I asked them if they had seen those people, to whom they answered me no. I asked them if they had heard what they said, and they answered that they had only heard what I said nothing else. Only then did I understand that I had had a vision, a vision of the future of the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí, and that GOD was showing me like this, a little of what He will do here. When I looked around me, that great church had disappeared, and the chapel was in its usual state. We talked at length about it, and both mine and my friends' hearts were filled with joy and happiness, a happiness so great that it is impossible to say and to keep. And that same happiness I feel now, when I write down all that I have seen and heard.
Although I do not know how or when, I know that GOD, our Lord and our Lady, reserve great things for me and for this Shrine. And I will pray and wait. I know that GOD is Omnipotent and Omniscient. I trust in Him. I trust in Him and in Our Lady and I say "yes" even without understanding or knowing anything. "yes". always "yes"!
After all this, we said goodbye and returned home.
Note: (2) Here the Angel of Peace refers to the Shrine of the Apparitions of Jesus and Mary in Jacareí.