Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 30, 2001
Friday - Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Write: Russia, that beloved daughter of mine, will live again! That My child, will live again soon! The Most Mighty Breath of My Holy Spirit will come upon her and give her back the spirit of Life, the Life of Grace and My Love!
My Mother, appeared at Fatima, prophesied the conversion of Russia, and just as she prophesied, it will take place. I will do this to glorify the Woman Dressed in the Sun, the Crusher of the Serpent, the Terror of the demons, the ecstasy of the Angels, and the Sovereign of all my Creation.
The Shrine of Fatima will be glorified when Russia is converted, and will then receive the attention and recognition of the whole world. Yes, because the Shrine of Fatima, although recognized by the Church, is not taken seriously by humanity; My Mother is not heard in the Messages and requests she made there almost 84 years ago; Her Immaculate Heart is not sufficiently disgraced. The Message of Fatima is not sought, desired and responded to as I desire.
And that is why you, My fourth Little Shepherd, make the Message of Fatima known to the world without delay. You must make Us known and loved by all souls! And this is your Mission for all the days of your life. Forward! Forward, Gentleman of the Immaculate Conception! Fight the good fight, so that I may give you My Crown of Eternal Life one day!
I long for souls who love, consonate, and disintegrate Our Pierced Hearts, but I cannot find them! Most souls are selfish and think only of themselves, their problems and pain. Few souls forget their pains to think of 'Ours'. When I say 'Ours,' I also mean the Sorrows of St. Joseph's Most Loving Heart; yes, because He suffers terribly when He sees perverted humanity repelling His Adorable Adopted Son, and His Most Chaste and Virgin Wife and Queen. Yes, He suffers to see the world reduced to a state of indifference, coldness and incredulity a thousand times worse than that of the people of Bethlehem. Therefore, I want souls who consonate the 'Our' Three Hearts with prayers, sacrifices; with their whole lives embalmed with Love and Fidelity to My Most Holy Will.
I asked the Most Amenable Heart of St. Joseph to prepare and conquer Russia for My Most Holy Mother, just as He prepared the cave of Bethlehem and the house of Nazareth.
I desire that your souls become living copies of my Sacred Heart, the Heart of my Mother and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. I want you to be reflections of Our Love, Our Purity and Our Grace among men, especially in these times when spiritism, numerology, cartoonism, divination, esotericism, atheism and all doctrines contrary to My Holy Word of Truth are ruthlessly advancing against My Holy Church, causing most of My children to fall into error and lose their souls.
Never have My Church and My Holy Catholic Religion found themselves in such great danger!
In ancient times My enemies publicly declared themselves against Me, and openly fought against My Church; but now they infiltrate My Church and seduce many souls, seeking to destroy it from within, little by little.
Satan has given much power to the words of many bishops and priests of My Church, to turn many souls away from piety and prayer, and even to make souls hate prayer, which is the only thing that can save them. Especially during Lent, no one meditates anymore on My Pains and those of My Mother, because instead they meditate on their own pains, and those of the depraved society in which you live, and thus every opportunity for contrition and true repentance of hearts is killed, making them completely insensitive to any Divine Light that wants to touch them.
My children, be converted! The Kingdom of GOD is near! Convert, that the Eternal Day is coming for you!
Be converted, that My Mother is already consummating the Mission I gave her to prepare you for My Most Glorious Return!
Be converted because you have been given almost all the Signs that could be given to you so that you would be converted and return to Me along the road of love, prayer and penance.
Be converted and believe in the last invitations we make to you, with Our Hearts full of affliction and bitterness!
In this way we can lead you safely to salvation and complete happiness in Heaven, where we can love you and you can love us; where we will rest in your hearts and you in Ours; where we will forever rejoice in you, and you in 'We'.
Trust! Russia, your sister, will live again! And the Glory of Our Hearts will be seen and Blessed in every corner of the Earth!
Trust! I Will Come, and at Last Our Hearts Will Triumph United!"
(Note - Marcos) After this Message, Our Lord and Our Lady gave me Holy Communion, as at other times, in the following way: First, a Sacred Host came out of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Then, a Sacred Chalice appeared under the Host, which remained in the air. Then Our Lady began to pray the prayers with me, "My GOD, I believe. My Sacred Jesus. Most Holy Trinity. "which are prayers taught by her to me.
Then she prayed the "Lamb of GOD" with me, the "Lord, I am not worthy" began, and this prayer she led me to repeat three times, and then, taking the Sacred Host in her hand, she dipped it in the Most Holy Blood contained in the Chalice, and told me:
(Our Lady) "May the Body and Blood of my Son that I will give you keep your soul for Eternal Life. And coming to me he said, "Corpus Christi!" (The Body of Christ), and then he placed the Holy Host in my mouth.
What was produced in me was so great, deep, immense, wonderful and Divine, that it is impossible for me to say it in words. Perhaps in the future I will be in a better position to say what happened to me in those moments.
After thanksgiving, I looked again at Our Lady who at that moment was already alone, because Our Lord disappeared at Communion time, becoming visible in my heart. Then Our Lady gave me the last blessing and also disappeared. Since then, it has been like this every Friday, except for a few exceptions.
Such a great Grace, I will never have how to give thanks nor how to repay GOD and Our Lady. The only thing I can do is to live to love and obey GOD and the Holy Queen of Heaven and Earth, for such a Great Grace.