Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Report - Marcos) When Our Lady arrived, after the initial greetings, she said to Him: Mail Mary, thanks to GOD the Lady is here. we are in trouble! (It is about the attacks of the devil, which I have suffered these days)
(Our Lady) "- You are enduring severe and heavy suffering to help in the redemption of. (I cannot reveal) and other people, and to atone for the sins they have committed against GOD. It was always necessary for there to be 'soul victims', to suffer and atone for the sins and crimes of sinners, and otherwise everyone would have been exterminated and the world would have known the Fire of Fury of Justice and Anger of GOD. So it happened with Marthe Robin, Berta Petit, Teresa Neumann, Teresa Musco, Padre Pio, and now with you.
Marcos, be brave and do not be discouraged. I will be at your side to defend your life from the fury of My enemy. But I will have to leave if you suffer, because otherwise many souls will be lost!
(Marcos) "- And will you defend me from him?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes, my Immaculate Heart will be your 'shield and refuge' from the snares of the devil. Be brave and prepare yourself, because he is obstinate with the idea of killing you. He will come back more often, so you will have to have patience, courage and faith".
(Report - Marcos) "After telling me some more private things, I asked Him: Do you want anything else from me today?"
(Our Lady) "- She writes: The Father is 'impatient' with so many sins that He sees in the world. I have presented My Tears of Blood to Him without ceasing, to try to placate Him and to give Him a little more time for sinners to be converted.
But, He wants to wield His Flaming Sword soon. and so, Marcos, I ask you to join your sufferings to Mine, so that together we may achieve Mercy.
My children also unite their sufferings to Mine, so that the Divine Father may still forgive some sinners, and have mercy on them.
Pray the Rosary of My Blood Tears every day, that we may applaud the Wrath of the Most Holy Trinity.
(Report - Marcos) "Then I asked him if he could answer me some questions. She said yes. I asked two particular questions, and then I asked, "Regarding La Salette and Bonate, do you want it to be shown only on film or in a book as well? "
(Our Lady) "- Do both ways, My son"! When you are there, film and record everything you can, and then make books and movies about those My Manifestations. Collect as much information as you can, and then bring to the attention of all My children, My Requests".
(Marcos) "- Would you like Me to write a thick, large book about all Your Manifestations, from Guadalupe until now?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes! If you do this, you will draw all the 'thorns', all the 'swords' of my Immaculate Heart, from all the places where I have appeared on the face of the earth".
(Marcos) "- And many people will be converted?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes, many!"
(Marcos) "- And you will give me the means to do so? "
(Our Lady)"- Yes, just as I gave him the means to do the here. It will be the Book of My Triumph, if I can do it".
(Marcos) "- Then I will begin right away." And then he gave me the Blessing and disappeared.