Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 7, 2000
Apparition of Jesus and Mary Most Holy
Message from Our Lady

My children, I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION. I am the Mother of Grace, Mother of Holy Purity, Mother of the SON of GOD, Mother (pause) of PEACE.
From Heaven I came, and in LOURDES I reminded them of this TRUTH, which in a short time before the Church had proclaimed. Let yourselves be guided by My LIGHT, involved in My LOVE. Let yourselves be seduced by the "perfume" of all my VIRTUES.
I invite you to live with Me in Holiness, in Purity, in LOVE, in Prayer, in Fidelity and Obedience to GOD.
I invite you to let yourselves be carried in My Arms, to let yourselves be cultivated in My IMMACULATE HEART, like the smallest and dearest 'flowers'; so that I can make them grow, make them blossom, and spread the 'perfume' of DIVINE Grace throughout all this humanity, bewitched by sin, corrupted by evil, and hardened by hatred.
Humanity has become a great desert, a desert of death, where impurity, violence, corruption, lying, lack of faith, ungodliness, incredulity take over, and rule society.
My enemy, the devil, has seduced souls from the great, even the smallest, and today his 'dark smoke' has penetrated all families, has penetrated into the Holy Church, obscuring Her Beauty and Her Holiness. has penetrated the high echelons of humanity, and has seduced the minds of many rulers, wise men and scientists. All humanity groans under the hard bondage (pause) of the devil.
It is My desire, through My Messages, My Holy Rosary, and My Requests Here, to free you from all forms of moral and spiritual slavery. from all sorts of 'yoke' that you are trapped (pause) and oppressed. then, I will make "From this Place" come out into the whole world (pause) the radiance of My LIGHT and My Grace. Here, 'In this Place', where I have manifested My Requests, My Pains, My Maternal Anguish, I wish (pause) to make you recognize that 'Here' I myself have given birth to a SOURCE of MERCY, LOVE and SAFE (pause) for the whole soul.
Then, if you live My requests, if you announce My Requests, the splendor 'From this Place' (pause) will appear before all, where My IMMACULATE HEART has poured out all His Graces, like 'Celestial Flood' (pause) that never ceases.
Thus, dear children, safe in My Hands, supported in My LOVE, and above all; more and more consecrated, docile and obedient to My MATERN HEART, I will be able to guide you along the path of LOVE.
I wish that the NAME of my SON JESUS be better known and LOVED. For this, I wish that the 2nd of January of each year be celebrated as the Feast of the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST. So that every soul, invoking the NAME OF MY SON JESUS, may receive from HIM: the Graces necessary for their salvation, for their conversion and perseverance in Grace, (pause) Peace to the world, the conversion of sinners, the union and sanctification of all the members of the Holy Church, and above all, the greatest TRIUMPH OF OUR UNITED HEARTS.
Pray the LADY OF THE SAINT NAME OF JESUS, nine days in a row in preparation for the PARTY OF MY CHILD.
Ceebrem-Na in the depths of your hearts, in your families and where(pause) you can.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
(long pause)
"- Souls of MY Redil, why don't you listen to the calls of My HOLY MOTHER? Why don't you pity their sorrows and their afflictions and their anguish?
O souls, hardened by evil and sin, heed what My Mother asks of you!
She asked you to do Cenacles of Prayer everywhere, and you did what She asked?
She asked you to form small prayer groups of the HOLY ROSARY, and you. Did you obey her?
She asked you to pray, pray, pray. Have you heard Her?
She asked for more adoration of ME in EUCARISTY, She asked for more LOVE of the Holy Mass, She asked for more experience of MY WORD and OUR MESSAGES, and you, did you listen to HIS 'APPEAL'? NO!
You continued with sins, with vices, with worldly desires, divided between GOOD and evil, between LIGHT and darkness, between MY enemy (pause) and I. (greater pause)
I say to you, My children: If you do not decide soon, I will be forced to point the 'double-edged sword' at you, so that you decide (pause) on which side you want to stay, or if you want to be hot or cold; because lukewarm, I will 'vomit' from My Mouth.
Sheep of Mine, I AM THE GOOD PASTOR who wants to lead you, but every time I want to lead you, you want to run away from Me, and mingle with the goats.
Why don't you accept My Ways? Why don't you accept MY COMMANDMENTS? Why do you still insist on recalcitating* against ME?
MY LOVE knows no limits, and when a soul approaches ME and sincerely desires ME, I give ME, I communicate ME to her. I quench her thirst for LOVE. I quench her hunger for Peace and Justice. I strengthen her with MY Flesh and MY BLOOD, with the "Bread of Heaven", I teach her MY COMMANDMENTS, I give her MY GOODS and MY BENEFITS, and I lead her jealously, to the Redil, to my Aprisco. to keep her. I fly over that soul night and day, and I do not allow the ravenous wolves to approach it, to molest it. Such is the LOVE I have for souls.
At the cross I said: "I HAVE SEATS, SEAT SOUL!" and today I cry out to you, I repeat: "I HAVE SEATS, SEAT SOUL, SEAT YOU". (pause)
Come to ME and prepare yourselves holy for this CHRISTMAS, so that I may be truly born in you, and that you may be born of "Water and Spirit". for ETERNAL LIFE.
I am already exhausted (paused) from being offended, from being blasphemed. on Christmas Day. Your houses have become dens of profanity! On Christmas Eve, it is the day when more people dance, eat and drink, and less people pray.
As once in BELÉM, I, My MOTHER, and My FATHER SAINT, we knock on the doors of hearts on Christmas Eve, but only receive (pause) contempt, refusal. and rejection.
O souls, shed tears of sincere repentance at this CHRISTMAS: and I will stretch out My Arm (pause) to pull you out of the mud, to work wonders in your lives, and to transform you into true apostles of MY HEART, and of MY MOTHER HEART.
Ask my adopted Father HOLY JOSEPH, to make of your hearts a "cave", to cleanse it, to prepare it, to warm it, as HE did with that cave of Bethlehem, and then, full of pleasure I will enter, I will stay with you, we will eat together, and we will unite in spirit, in truth, and in life.
Continue praying the ROSARY every day, making sacrifices, because many souls go to hell every day, because there is no one to pray, nor sacrifice for them.
And have Hope, have Trust in ME and in MY MOTHER, that OUR HEARTS, at last, will TRIUMPHER. Now the whole earth is being submitted to a "test" of Faith, to a "test" of Patience, to a test of "Trust". Many are getting tired and saying, 'The Lord is delaying, let us turn to our old life; let us eat, let us drink, let us have fun at will. Perhaps He will come no more'.
Ah! Generation, like a thief I will surprise you, like a noose I will fall upon you, like lightning I will overshadow you, like an earthquake I will shake you.
Trust me! Pray! Wait! Be patient, be faithful.(pause) The designs of the FATHER are mysterious, impenetrable. but they are TRUE, and if COMPLIANCE.
I bless you."(long pause)"
*Recalcitrate: Not wanting to go forward; disobeying; not giving in; revolting; stubborn; being obstinate