Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, September 7, 2000
Apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of Mary Most Holy
Message of Mary Most Holy

"-Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace.(pause) Day after day. month after month. year after year. I am here, in Jacareí, to guide you, lead you, convert you, help you, and teach you the way that leads(pause) to Heaven...My children, I invite you to follow WITH ME on the way of Jesus! Jesus Himself is the WAY, the TRUTH. and the LIFE! safe way, right way, gentle way, luminous way, painful way, but . in the end, GLORIOUS. I invite you (pause) to live My Messages (from Jacarei). Take them, read them, spread them to all people! In this book is all the LOVE of my Immaculate Heart! If you spread it, My LOVE will spread quickly, through many regions, and many of them (pause) can still be saved. The Secrets, and the DIVINE PLANES, are in progress, like the devil's maneuvers, all are developing. The GREAT BATTLE between Heaven and Earth (pause) is near! You must prepare yourselves, you must pray. You must now more than ever take refuge and consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, which will protect you (pause) from all evil. Pray the Rosary! With it, you will be able to overcome all that is difficult, bitter. through LOVE to Jesus, and ME. through the Rosary, you will feel My Action, and the Action of Angels, visibly, in your lives, in your day by day. There is no Grace that I do not grant, through the prayer of My Rosary. I bless you in the Name of the Father. and of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-Generation! My People! AMADO Herd! My Church, pupil of MY eyes! My fold. elected portion', listen (pause) what I tell you.
My Heart is thirsty for humble, laborious souls (means: workers), hidden, selfless, conformed to My WILL, (pause) but. many times, I find only angry, selfish, overbearing, scandalous souls. souls, who don't want to accept My LOVE, My LOVING AUTHORITY, souls who don't want to carry My 'soft burden'. Many souls have preferred the pleasures of this world, than My LAW, than My COMMANDMENTS! I have seen many families crumbling, through adultery, betrayal, fighting and division. all this happens, because in your families there is no prayer! They took the Rosary from My MOTHER, and now you only watch television programs. You have no more time for dialogue! Your heart has become cold, selfish, petty, and superb. Young people (pause) are completely dead spiritually, due to drugs, prostitution, sinful dating, the music and shows they participate in, and the many other debauchery (pause) they commit. Children, from an early age, are already corrupted, trained and encouraged to love sin. Adults are not concerned with prayer, faith or the Holy Religion. They are only concerned with material goods, money, possessions and power. Their hearts are harder than steel, insensitive. to any 'ray of LIGHT' that comes down from Heaven upon them. O souls, it is 'time' to return!!! The Church is obscured by a 'dark smoke'. Many Christians make mistakes! And they drag many souls with them. Great is My pain. Great is my pain. It is 'time' to return! O souls, for whom I have given My LIFE, return to My feet, and I will pour out upon you the 'ocean' of My Mercy. Return to My Feet!!! And I... will give you 'new life'. Return to My Feet! And even if your sins are darker than scarlet, My Heart will forgive all. Return to My feet, and I will not be for you, O souls, JUIZ, but. Merciful Savior. for this is the TIME OF MISERICORY!!! The 'time of Mercy' precedes that of JUSTICE! The last chance that I give to humanity are My Manifestations, especially those of the 20th century, and the Manifestations of MY MOTHER. If humanity does not respond as we wish, My CHOLERA will manifest. My Heart is "exhausted" from asking you (pause) to convert. My Heart is 'tired' of so much begging you to pray, that you change (pause) your attitudes. (pause) O souls, what more do you want? What do you most desire of WE? More than WE have done here in Jacareí? Impossible**! Ah! Generation. Here in this place, My Grace flows, like a flowing river. Here, the Graces of My MOTHER'S Heart are ceaseless. What more do you want? what more do you want? O souls, if you still have in you a small residue of goodness, even a small drop, hear Us, listen to Us, attend to Us without delay! (pause) The nations do not want to turn to Me. If they do not, they will be ruled by an 'iron scepter', which will not be MY. a 'scepter' that will smite you, that will decimate you, and leave you cast to the ground, but. if you turn to MYSELF, you, all nations, My Heart will have mercy, mercy on all of you. May Brazil be the first! To return to My Heart. I want to transform this 'land', into EUCARISTICA 'land', 'land' of my Sacred Heart, and of my Mother's Heart. Tell France, that My Heart is 'crushed', because she did not attend to My 'Requests', in My Apparitions to My daughters Margaret Mary. Josefa Menendez. and Claire Ferclaud. may France return to My Heart!!! And I will bless, and make of her, a nation of saints. O souls, come!!! Do not delay any longer... Behold the Heart that loves you so much, that desires you so much, but receives only outrages, ingratitude, and offenses. Come! come and close my 'wounds'. Come, wipe my tears and I will make you 'beloved doves', who will dwell forever (pause) in the refuges of my Sacred Heart. I bless you.
Unexpected appearance of the Holy Angel of Peace in September
On this day the Angel of Peace said a prayer to be prayed before taking the water from Our Lady's Miraculous Fountain. The prayer that the Angel taught was this: "Most Holy Trinity, here I am at Your Feet, imploring Your Mercy, through Mary, Your Daughter, Mother and Beloved Wife. Deign to have Mercy on me, poor sinner, for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Maternal Source of Graces! O Mother of Mercy, Queen and Messenger of Peace, here I stand before Your Miraculous Source, asking You for Mercy and Grace, Mercy and Peace, with the certainty that You will attend to me. I want nothing that is contrary to GOD's Will, and I submit my will to Him. Full of trust I will drink of this Holy Water so that my soul and body may be purified by the Grace of GOD that has been poured out in it*. O Immaculate Mother, watch over me, protect me, help me, through the Water of Your Miraculous Source. Help me to live as a good Christian and may it help me to obtain my conversion and my sanctification. Amen.
*Note: (Here the Angel of Peace did not mean that the person who drinks from the Source is free from confession in order to purify himself from his sins, but rather that the act of drinking from the Source is an ardent plea to God and to Our Lady that through the Source they grant us the grace of a good and sincere confession, providing us with the necessary means for a true conversion of heart. "To God nothing is impossible. (Lk 1:37)