Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 7, 2000
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My children.(pause) I Am. the Queen and Messenger of Peace. I have come (pause) to give Messages to the world, throughout this last period of this twentieth century, but the world does not want to listen to Me, nor to attend to Me.
My appeals are denied, My signs (pause) are discredited, My Tears are scorned. My Voice (pause) falls into an immense desert, and no one listens to it.
I invite you to conversion. I invite them to become like `children', who depend in everything on their Mother, (pause) who at all times seek refuge in Her, and protection in Her Maternal Arms.
I want you to be like my two little children, Francisco and Jacinta. O! how pleased I have been with your lives! How much comfort(pause) they gave to My Heart! How many Tears You wiped from Me, and how many 'thorns' You took from My Heart. They, alone, little ones, did much more than most men (pause).
I, your Mother, implore prayer, reparation, and penance, for the OMNIPOTENT is 'saddened' and 'tasted' with the sins of the world.
While I endure the 'heavy hand' of GOD, men mock My Manifestations, discredit them! and lead other souls to discredit (pause) them.
I. have been pierced by a 'deep sword' (pause) of indifference. and discredit, on the part of men, (pause) even the best men.
I ask you, My little children, My little 'faithful remainder', to comfort My Heart, dry My Tears, and make Me smile!! fulfilling My requests, and spreading them (pause) to the whole world.
I bless you in the name of the FATHER, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! I LOVE you. I want the souls of the whole world, to come closer to My Sacred Heart, to rest in Him! in Him, and let yourselves be intoxicated, by My Grace. My Heart, for centuries has been begging for LOVE, affection, reparation and devotion!! but the world (pause) has not listened to the appeal I have made, since My Apparitions to My most beloved daughter, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
How great is the sin of the world!! for not answering My requests, so full of LOVE, Tenderness and Mercy. If the world knew what is the LOVE that I have for it, it would melt all (pause) in an ecstasy, of ardent LOVE.
My LOVE!! exceeds all human minds (pause) and Angelic minds.
My LOVE!! exceeds every word, every thought, every understanding.
My LOVE!! surpasses the confines of Heaven. It is higher than Heaven!! is deeper than the oceans! and is more sublime than the air.
My LOVE (pause) exceeds!! everything you know and know. Ah! and it's not less than the LOVE of My MOTHER (pause) for humanity!! and for each one of you. If you knew how much My MOTHER LOVES you!! you would die of joy.
Man doesn't understand OUR LOVE because he is evil, and because he lets himself be carried away by his corruption, and selfishness. But, OUR TWO United Hearts came here to Jacarei, to attract the souls back to OUR LIGHT!!(pause) in order to open them with OUR CALL!!(pause) and transform them into `reflectors' of OUR LIGHT(pause) to the rest of the world.
O souls who doubt, approach Me! Repentant, open this heart of stone! and let it enter My Grace.
O generation, come to ME!! I wish (pause) that all My people!! come here in procession, singing the praises of My MOTHER, and the ME. and that at the feet of this Blessed Tree!(pause) open your heart, shed tears of repentance, sing songs of praise and glory to Me. and then, I will give you a new road, a new life to follow. this time,(pause) a road that will lead to Holiness.
I desire pious souls. I wish for fervent souls. I wish for humble and vigilant souls, here at the feet of this Tree.
Many are still far from ME. I want you to take to them, My Messages and those of My MOTHER! I want (pause) to see these souls here, where I will be able to cover them, as the most loving little bird does with her cubs.
So, generation, I invite you, come. leave the evil, repent, and contrite, return to My Heart.
May the faithful souls listen to this My `apelo', and attend to it quickly, because time is running out, urgent!! and running out.
I will bless you all".
(long pause)
(Marcos) "- HEM began to bless.
(Comments by the Seer Marcos Thaddeus): (At the Apparition today, Jesus and Our Lady were dressed in white, very pure white, which shone very brightly.
Our Lady told me that on the 7th of next month, July 7th, she will come with her and Our Lord, St. Michael, to give a Message to the world.
Our Lady also asked me that all the people from this month of June onwards, five Fridays of displeasure to YOUR TWO Hearts, of reparation to YOUR TWO Hearts, praying a Rosary only in the intention of displeasure, without putting any other intention together, and offering some special sacrifice in this intention. This sacrifice can be a fast, an abstinence from some food, it can be any other sacrifice that the Holy Spirit will surely inspire in our hearts.
Our Lord smiles a lot, Our Lady smiles a lot too, during the Message. They were not sad at all, they were smiling, very sweet, very loving; only Our Lord, who at a certain point of the Message had a serious, serious countenance and spoke seriously, seriously, but throughout the Apparition they showed much tenderness, much LOVE, much gentleness.
You must have noticed this especially in the Message where Our Lady and Our Lord spoke of THEY LOVE, like never before. It was very beautiful, very wonderful, it was very DIVINE this meeting of ours with the TWO today.
Then next month Our Lady, Our Lord and St. Michael will come, who since 1995 has not appeared here in Jacareí, and who will return now next July).