Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 29, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, pray more, because tomorrow is the Feast of Mercy, and My Son Jesus will enlarge His Heart, to close them all inside Him. and also to pour a great shower of Grace and Mercy on many souls throughout the world.
Pray the Rosary of Mercy without rest, and invoke Me tomorrow with the title of Mother of Mercy. I will be at your side so that you may pray well and so that your hearts may be willing to My Son Jesus.
Second Apparition - at 10:30 p.m.
"- Thank you all for coming. Tomorrow make the Way of the Cross of Love there in the Sanctuary, contemplating the sufferings of my Son, and then pray the Rosary of Mercy. Offer it for Pope John Paul II, for the conversion of atheists, and sinners from all over the world. Tomorrow is a day of Great Mercy for humanity. It will be a day of grace for those who know how to enjoy it. I also want to deeply thank the people who made the siege of Jericho during these three days! My Blessing and LOVE come down upon all of you".