Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 7, 2000
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My children.(pause) I am the Queen and Messenger of PEACE. the Mother of Sorrows. In this Holy Time of Lent, I invite you to reflect on My Sorrows and My Tears, praying more the Rosary of Sorrows and the Rosary of Tears. I also invite them to change their lives, to reform their customs, to purify their families. with prayer, confession, fasting! and Holy Communion. I ask the little children to pray the Rosary together with their parents, and that the parents take the little children to Mass and teach them to pray the Rosary and the Rosary. As I love the prayer of the little children, it is not even possible to tell me how much I love these little earthly Angels, who pray their Rosary with immense tenderness. I invite the young people to reflect on My Sorrows and My Sufferings, together with My Son, and thus also to change their lives. I ask all of you to do at least three days of Siege of Jericho, in your cities, in preparation for the DIVINE Mercy Feast, which will be on April 30th. and My Immaculate Heart will reward you for this one more gesture of LOVE, which you will be giving Me. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My children, My Sacred Heart Loves you!!! and sheds Mercy on you. I wish that all men, of all races, peoples, languages and nations! come here, to this `Blessed Place', to pray. to feed on My WORD! and on My MOTHER'S WORD, and to drink from the Source of OUR Graces. to learn HERE the value of Suffering! the value of Life, and of Prayer. and I wish that all come here, in Procession. May the families come! May the children come! May the young, the sick, the sinners, and those who are far from Me. I will not repel anyone, as long as in their hearts there is a sincere desire to love Me, to obey Me, and to follow Me. My children, I ask you to make the nine First Fridays of the month in honor of my Sacred Heart, and the nine First Saturdays! in honor of the Immaculate Heart of my Holy Mother Mary. with confession, Communion, and the Rosary in displeasure to OUR TWO Hearts. because WE are already saturated with reproaches, sins, and blasphemies! which humanity directs against US. I told you that My VICTORY was imminent! and now everything is fulfilled.
My MOTHER, on May 13, 1999, told you here, that YOUR TRIUMPHER would begin! in the country from which the `Arauto da PAZ' came. Behold, My Children, the greatest trial! of My MOTHER'S TRIUMPH. My TRIUMPH, OUR TRIUMPH! is beginning in Poland with the Canonization of My daughter Faustina, and the greatest `universal recognition' of My Mercy. And from there, to the whole world! will come My Mercy, and My Greatest TRIUMPH. My children, wake up!! from your sleep of sin and indifference. LOVE My Heart! listen to My WORDS!! and be holy. Pray the Rosary of Mercy, the Eucharist! and all the others, with LOVE and fervor, daily. and continue to wear the Holy Medal of PEACE on your necks, with humility. And I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
(Comments of the Seer Marcos Tadeu): (Jesus and Our Lady came entirely in white, and at the end of the Apparition they drew a Great Sign of the Cross, which later fell into thousands of `Luminous Particles', which rested on our heads.
THEY smiled all the time of the Apparition, except for that little piece where Jesus said that THE TWO HEARTS OF THEM are already saturated with shame for humanity. Apart from this, they were very happy, very happy, and HIM, today, looked at those present, smiled and blessed all their relatives and their intentions.
On April 30th, which is the last Sunday of April, and which is then the Feast of Mercy, in union with Pope John Paul II in Rome, and with Poland, which will certainly be at the Feast, we will have here, in the afternoon, at 4:00 p.m., the Solemn Mercy Rosary, with the exhibition of the Image of the Merciful Jesus. Everyone is warmly invited. Hail Mary!!!)