Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, February 29, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

My children, Satan is `infuriated', because he knows that now `your time' is about to end.
He now desires to cast all Christians against GOD, and one against another. He will raise hateful slanders against Me and against My True Clairvoyants, he will make most disrespect the LAWS and the COMMANDMENTS of GOD.
Now he knows that he has 'little time left', and wishes to pervert as many souls as possible, so that not even a 'small rest' of faithful people remain.
Now is the time for recollection and prayer. Recollect yourselves to lonely places, avoid bad company, and stay for long hours in 'silent' and 'forgotten' prayer there, where I can prevent this 'pestilent smoke' of the sins of the world from penetrating to do them harm.
While Satan ends up spreading pornography and impurity all over the earth, as well as lack of faith and 'rebellion' against GOD, I will be taking My children to the 'hidden most' of My Immaculate Heart, which is silent prayer, 'hidden' prayer to human eyes.
I am with you, and I LOVE you! and I protect you from all the assault of Satan. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".