Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, February 7, 2000
Ninth Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Mary Most Holy

My children.(pause) I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! From Heaven I have come, and since 1991 I have appeared in this city of Jacareí, to give you the Messages of Peace (pause) that the Lord grants me. Nine years have passed. How many graces! How many conversions! My Immaculate Heart rejoices, because I see many children here, that My Messages have been uprooted from the power of the devil, from vices and sins, and that they are now here, glorifying My Son Jesus and My Heart, with their lives full of prayer, penance, and sacrifice. (pause) My Heart rejoices, because I see so many children (pause) who have responded to My `Called'. (pause) My Heart rejoices to see so many young people who, renouncing the pleasures of this world, pornography, impurity, prostitution, drugs and the increasingly indecent and provocative fashion, have decided to walk with me (pause) along the road of prayer, purity and holiness. (pause) My Heart rejoices to see so many couples and families here, who have renounced their immoral television programs; who have renounced their pleasures; who have renounced luxury, power and attachment to money, to live a life of prayer, of simplicity, and of announcing My Messages and the Messages of My Son Jesus. (pause) My Heart rejoices to see how many religious and how many priests, who have become fervent again after reading My Messages (pause) here in Jacari.(pause) My Heart rejoices to see how many and how many of My poor children, who were fallen into atheism, materialism and hedonism! who have been converted, freed, and changed their lives. with My Messages. (pause) My Heart rejoices to see that many have decided totally for holiness. My Heart rejoices, because here in this place. I am loved, venerated, invoked and heard by so many of My children, who come here, with true Faith and True Devotion for Me, in their hearts. (pause) My Immaculate Heart rejoices, because since I appeared here, on February 7, 1991, the Holy Rosary, is prayed here every day! ! infallibly, first, by this My son Marcos, whom I have loved so much, and to whom I have given so much of My Graces, and of My Mercies. then, by My faithful children, who, hearing My `called', came, from the north and from the south, from the east and from the west, from this land by Me so loved. My Heart rejoices because here penance is done, because here intimacy is truly sought with Me, and above all!! the imitation of My Virtues. My Heart rejoices to see you so numerous today, on the day of my feast. (pause) I welcome the flowers that you have deposited on my altar, as well as the relatives that you have consecrated to me in each flower. I will take to heart, the salvation of your relatives, through this gesture of giving these flowers. Trust in Me!! I will not fail you. I have promised and I will fulfill. I will save you!! and your families. Keep praying the Rosary every day. Continue to live all the Messages I have given you during these nine years. Renounce Satan!! Run from sin!! Renounce sin. (pause) I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!(pause) My people!(pause) I LOVE you! In Truth I say to you: - Whoever has the Medal of Peace, the Holy Medal of My Mother! will not perish. I will not allow (pause) to be lost!! the soul that I use with devotion, the Holy Medal of Peace of My Mother. This Medal (pause) has come out of the bowels of My Mercy. This Medal (pause) was born from the depths of my most Merciful Heart. I said to My MOTHER: - O my beloved MOTHER, go. show it to the `small' Marcos, tell him to coin a Medal with your Holy `Model', and say that all who wear it, will receive (pause) the Grace of being free from many dangers and sins, (pause) of receiving Peace! ! and to achieve Mercy from my Heart . and my MOTHER, all full of LOVE and fidelity to ME, came, appeared to this OUR `small son', and showed Himself in the form that is seen, in the Holy Medal of Peace. Generation!! haven't you understood yet, that the Medal of Peace is the gift I give to save you, from the subtle traps of my 'eternal enemy'? Generation!! don't you realize that the Medal of Peace is like the 'lightning rod' of the DIVINE Wrath of My Eternal Father? Generation!! don't you realize yet, that The Holy Medal of Peace of My MOTHER (pause) is the 'shield' that I give, so that you defend yourself from the attacks and hoaxes of My enemy? This Medal (pause) is terror to the demons, because in the right hand of My MOTHER, I am I, Jesus-DIVINE host, the Blessed Sacrament!! and where I am with My MOTHER, the head of the serpent is crushed, and the demons run away. Until humanity receives this gift from OUR TWO Hearts: - The Holy Medal of Peace!(pause) will have no Peace. Let no human being remain on the face of the Earth!! without receiving and wearing the Medal of Peace. I. wish it to be known by all the Continents of the Earth, so that the whole world may know, that My Heart has never enlarged so much!! as here in this city. So that the world may know that My Mercy has overflowed in a way never seen before, like here in Jacareí. So that the whole world may know that 'this place' has been chosen by ME and my Holy Mother, as well as by the Eternal Father and my Holy Spirit from all eternity. Here! will be the Altar of the World. All Nations will come here(pause) to worship GOD!! to bless the NAME of My Holy MOTHER!! and to drink from the Fountain of OUR Graces. No matter how hard Satan tries!! and opposes himself, his days are already numbered, and whatever he does against OUR apparitions here, will only serve to increase (pause) his eternal torment. and whatever Satan's supporters plot against OUR apparitions here!! will only serve to increase even more, the 'fire' that will devour them in hell. My NAME is Holy!! and I will not allow it! that HE be mocked, by vile and infamous men. My MOTHER'S NAME is Holy!! and Immaculate, and I will not allow it (pause) to be trampled on by filthy feet, by unworthy men!!! of even being born. Woe to those who go after My Voice, and the Voice of My MOTHER. Woe to those who become enemies of My MOTHER. Their cries will rise from the fire of hell, and there will never be one to comfort them, for ever and ever. (pause) Here is one of the young people! prophesied by My Prophet Joel, one of those young people! who would have visions. At this time of My Holy Spirit, here is My chosen one! upon whom My Eyes, and the Eyes of My MOTHER!! have landed with delight. it is I!! who run this place. It's Me!! who runs this young man. It's My MOTHER!! who protects him, accompanies him, and watches over him (pause) even while he sleeps. It is OUR TWO Sacred Hearts!! who called you here, who LOVED you, before you loved us. They are OUR TWO Hearts that brought you out of darkness!! and made you taste the LIGHT. They are OUR TWO Hearts!! who have poured balm on your eyes, blind and closed, and made them open to the LIGHT of Salvation. O Generation! WE LOVE YOU. Generation, participate in OUR Joy!! in today's day. Some who have come here in past years, and have already died, are already in Heaven. thanks to the Messages of My MOTHER!! and to My Messages in Jacari. Many others will reach Heaven if they persevere and continue on this path, against everything, and everyone. And in this instant, WE give you the `Special Blessing', which will remain with you, until the end of your lives. I and My MOTHER bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Go in Peace. May My Angels accompany you, and may you be faithful! to My LOVE".
(Comments of the Seer Marcos Tadeu, after the Apparition): (Jesus came all in gold and so did Our Lady. The difference today is that Our Lady had many silver stars in her cloak and dress, and Jesus too, had many silver stars that shone very brightly along the whole tunic.
I asked HIM the meaning of the stars, and HIM answered that they are souls, the souls who after knowing the Messages of the TWO Hearts here in Jacareí, totally converted, changed their lives and now live a life of prayer, sacrifice and penance toward holiness.
There were so many stars that I couldn't even count them all. I understood that there are many people who are sanctifying themselves after they came here.
After Our Lady's Message, I asked Jesus what He wanted from me, and He said that He wanted me to spread the Medal of Peace as much as I could, to the ends of the world, to all the countries of the earth. So I asked Him for "strength" to do this, and He told me that my "strength" is Our Lady, it's HER MOTHER, and HER is with me all day and all the time, and that I could ask HER every time I wanted to, to help me spread the Medal.
After Jesus' Message, a very large `multitude' of Angels appeared here around the whole Tree, around Our Lady and Jesus, Angels of all sizes, young people, children, teenagers, and They sang wonderful hymns and it was in this `chorus' Angelical that the TWO Sacred Hearts went up to Heaven.
At the moment of the Special Blessing, Jesus and Our Lady made a great Sign of the Cross that later became a great Red Heart, and then the TWO Sacred Hearts opened their Arms, and that Great Heart sort of `exploded' into a Great Light, into great `Facades of Light', that went down towards all the people who were present here. And this Special Blessing that was given by Our Lady will remain with us until the end of our lives.
Then I raised a Rosary in the form of a ring to Our Lady and Jesus to be blessed; they blessed, and again they told me that on next Saturday, February 12th, which is my birthday, when I will turn 23, Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph will appear to me down there at the Fountain of Our Lady, punctually at 7:30 in the evening.
THEY had already announced this to me since December 25 at the `Christmas Vigil'. Our Lady reaffirmed this week in the chapel at home, and now HE and Jesus have confirmed to me again that next Saturday the Holy Family will appear to me here at the Fountain of Our Lady at 7:30 pm.
And in the meantime, they smiled all the time during the Message, both Our Lady and Jesus; Jesus only got a little more 'serious' when HE said . "Generation! you still don't understand that the Holy Medal of Peace is the medicine that I give you," but at no time did THEY demonstrate today neither 'sorrow' nor 'pain'; on the contrary, THEY radiated a great 'joy' and a great Peace).