Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 15, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

First Apparition - at 6:30pm
"- My children, Sunday is 'the Lord's Day'! and should be used for prayer, meditation, and 'meeting' with GOD. The soul needs to 'land' in GOD, and be satiated of YOUR LOVE. And that is why Sunday is consecrated to the Lord.
That the souls do not go to the stores and work without necessity, on Sunday, and that they take advantage of it to pray more, and be more generous to the GOD of LOVE who created everyone.
May Sunday, the `Sacred Day of the Lord', be more respected! and be more `sanctioned' by everyone".
Second Apparition - 10:30pm
"- Dear children, I wish you to be detached from everything! to please GOD. Let go even from yourselves, and from your own opinions!
I wish you to be detached from all that is `carnal', and from all that `pulls you down', and prevents you from approaching GOD.
The petty people, the avaricious people, and the people attached to the `things of this world', will never be able to find or see the True FACE of GOD, because GOD only shows His True FACE to the humble, the pure, and those who have left everything, even their own will, to do the Will of GOD.
Through the Rosary, I want to teach you humility, I want to teach you poverty! I want to teach you the generosity that GOD expects from all of you.
Pray a lot, because many souls have been 'called', but after walking a little on the path of virtue, they got tired, because they saw that it was difficult. Pray a lot, because many will be `called'! but very few will be `elect'.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.