Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 5, 2000
WORDS of Our Lady on Her Holy Medal of PEACE

(Note - Marcos): (On this day, the Medals of Peace were presented to Our Lady, so that She could bless them, which made Her very happy)
"- Here is the Medal of Peace! Peace. Peace...Peace. It is the means by which the world will find Peace if it is used with pity and devotion.
See, My Son, and say that the Medal of Peace is the Great Gift of My Immaculate Heart, which I give to My children.
The enemy will retreat before Her, and those who wear Her with Faith and Devotion will be free from many dangers and will escape from hell if they pray the Rosary and do not sin, carrying Her on their breast with Faith and love.
Wherever the Medal of Peace arrives, I will be there too, 'LIVE'! realizing the greatest Graces of the Lord. and those who wear Her on their breast will have the complete certainty of My Presence and My 'very special' Protection, both in life and death.
Tell all My children that I do not want them to wear the Medal in their purses or pockets, and that they will wear it hanging from their necks on their breasts. My children should carry it over their chest!
My Medal is the 'shield' I give to My children to defend themselves from Satan's unexpected attacks!
(Marcos) "- Madam, how do you want the Medal of Peace to be divulged?
(Our Lady) "- In every way. Speak, write to everyone you can get in touch with! Here is your mission, my son, until the end of your life: - to take my Medal and make it known to all those with whom you meet.
Be the Medal of Peace, your 'inseparable companion' at all times, because wherever She is, be sure that I will be there too.
(Here She blessed the Medals and the people.
When Our Lady went to give the Blessing on the Medals of Peace, She raised Her right Hand up, then Her Hand ignited, became incandescent and emanated from Her, radiating a light as bright as the Sun.
Then She drew a Sign of the Cross that became luminous, and that She was drawing with Her own Hand. When the Sign of the Cross was completely formed, then He turned on its side axis, as if 'tumbling' forward, standing in a horizontal position on the Medals that were placed on the ground, in front of Our Lady.
Then, that Cross of Light crumbled into innumerable particles of Light that, descending, went to land on the Medals, blessing them.
I had never seen Our Lady blessing with Her Hand like this, like an incandescent sun of Light, and this impressed me a lot.
After the Blessing, before leaving, He looked again at the Medals that were on the ground, in front of Him, and with `unutterable tenderness' He said:)
(Our Lady) "- You can't imagine how 'happy' You make me with the mintage of these Medals!
(Marcos): (Then, raising Himself up, He left for Heaven).