Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 25, 1999
Christmas Eve
Apparition of the Holy Family

Dawn of 25/12/1999 - Chapel of the Apparitions, at 04:15
(Note - Marcos Tadeu): (Our Lady came all dressed in gold, with a shining crown on her head. Saint Joseph was wearing a golden tunic. The Child Jesus wore a white tunic underneath, and a red cloak on his back, looking about a year old, and did not come as a newborn baby, as at other times.
A remarkable fact is also that HE, when speaking, did not emit a childlike Voice, but I heard Him with the same adult Voice as I heard Him speak on the seven days. He came in the right arm of Our Lady and His left hand was over the hand of St. Joseph.
I asked if HIM could bless the people present, and HIM said yes, that they would bless. As the Child Jesus was on Our Lady's right Arm and HE would bless with the right Hand, HE disappeared from the right Arm and immediately passed to the left. Then the Holy Family drew the Sign of the Cross on us.
I asked Our Lady about a problem, and She gave me the means to alleviate it, however, she said that some things have to happen, and that they will serve for the sanctification of some, and for the condemnation of others.
I asked the Child Jesus if he wanted anything from me or from anyone. He said:)
(Child Jesus) "- I want you to tell the young people that I want them to have more devotion to St. Joseph!
The virtue of purity is very difficult for young people, because they do not have so much devotion to St. Joseph! If they increase their devotion to St. Joseph, the virtue of purity will be more easily acquired, preserved and exercised by them. Tell that to them!"
(Note - Marcos): (I understood that when the Child Jesus said youth, HE meant boys. This does not mean that the Message is not also meant for girls.
I asked if THEY had any Message for everyone, and THEY nodded their heads)
Message of Our Lady
"- Dear children, I am the Mother of LOVE. and I wish that this Night, all of you will come close to my Heart, so that you can receive the Graces that are enclosed in the MISTÉIRO of this Holy Night. With LOVE, I wish that all of you open your hearts completely to My Son and Me. (pause)I wish that everyone in the world knows My desires. that My Messages and that My LOVE TRIUMPH all over the Earth!
I wish that the 7th of February of each year be celebrated, not only as the Feast of Peace, but. that I be celebrated and honored by all the world in one day, in all peoples and nations. May all My children, all Christians, accept and spread My request as soon as possible.
I wish for souls to be silent, and let the Voice of GOD speak in their souls! You talk a lot! and listen little to what GOD tells you. open your hearts and you will see how great the LOVE of GOD is for all of you.
Just as the star guided the Magi to My Son Jesus, once in Bethlehem, today I am the Star that guides them to My Son Jesus, who is the Savior of all humanity.
Soon the world will be transformed, and the Light of Bethlehem will become a reality in all the peoples of the earth. Therefore, My children, trust! Pray! Lean on Me, and you will always find comfort and protection".
Message of the Most Glorious St. Joseph
"- Children of the Lord and my little children! Little children! that you are under My Mighty Sponsorship. I love you and intercede for you with my Beloved Spouse, with my Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, my GOD, Lord and King, and with the Throne of DIVINE Grace.
I desire that all of you cultivate a sincere and filial devotion to my Beloved Spouse, to me! and to the Most Sacred Heart of my Adopted Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and GOD.
I desire that every first Sunday of every month be dedicated to a special veneration to Me and to my Most Loving Heart. In this way, your devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on the first Friday, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Most Beloved Spouse, on the first Saturday, and on the first Sunday to my Most Loving Heart, will lead you to the need to love, repair and console our Hearts, which are offended, blasphemed and despised by humanity.
I desire that, on the first Sunday, your Communion be reparatory in honor of my Heart, so that through my Intermediate and my Mighty Sponsorship, the reach of the TWO Sacred Hearts and of the Most High GOD, the Grace of the conversion of sinners.
This is My wish for today, which I communicate to you with immense joy on the day when, weeping and smiling, I contemplated the One who created Me and chose Me, to be His Keeper and Protector".
Message of the Child Jesus
"- My children! today you remember the Day of My Birth. Today you commemorate My COMING in humility, poverty, and humiliation to this world.
I wish to tell you that My Second COMING, in Glory , Power and Majesty ! is also near. Fill your lamps with oil, keep your flames burning, be vigilant! because the night has come, and you do not know the hour when the Beloved Spouse will come.
My COMING is near! but you do not have the right to set dates for the Times that the FATHER has set! in YOUR WISDOM. You have to believe without knowing!!! you have to wait!!! trust!! and love!!! even without seeing.
Blessed are those who welcome Me into their hearts and love Me! because they will possess Heaven and Earth. The New Heavens and the New Earth will belong to the righteous who witness to Me! and do not be ashamed of Me before men.
I ask you: - to affirm your devotion to my Heart, to the Heart of my MOTHER, and to the Most Loving Heart of my Beloved and Venerated Adoptive Father! Saint Joseph.
Tell the Church that I desire the Heart of my Adoptive Father St. Joseph, beside my and my Most Holy Mother's! When this is done, the Church will be free from great sufferings and problems, and much, much, much, much, she will rise in holiness.
Tell the families to place St. Joseph next to my Heart and the Heart of my Mother in their homes! and the families will have sin, division, discord and evil expelled from their bosom.
I wish you to renounce all sin! Some have been purified, but there are others here who are not yet totally clean.
Purify yourselves!!! Go drink to the Fountain of Confession and wash yourselves in it!!! Repent of your sins.
Do not pretend! Do not lie to ME. Do not represent satiety! where there is misery. Do not represent fortitude! where there is only weakness. Do not represent purity! where there is filth, and sin. Do not represent goodness! where there is only selfishness. Assume your sins! Ask their forgiveness!! and My Generous Hand will come down to you.
Do not think that I am a GOD too High high enough, so that My Arm will not reach you. If My Greatness amazes you! much more must it captivate you with My Mercy.
Be converted! This is the call I leave to you this Night. And we bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".
(Marcos Thaddeus): (I asked St. Joseph what was his message for Christians in general, for all Christianity in general, for the new millennium?)
(St. Joseph) "- Instill My Devotion in hearts as much as possible! Many souls never got to know Our Lord Jesus Christ and My Most Holy Spouse Mary because they did not know Me.
Make Me known, and immediately, I will make them known to Jesus and Mary".
Message given by Our Lady on Christmas Day, at night, at the Cenacle
"- I desire that you live this afternoon's Message: - to pray the Rosary every day, to obtain from Jesus the Grace that all human hearts accept My Son. and the Message that you received during the Vigil: - to put immediately the Heart of St. Joseph beside Mine and that of Jesus.
This does not mean an Image of the Holy Family, but an Image that has My Heart visible, the Heart of Jesus visible, and while there is no Image of the Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph, that is placed next to His Image.
If you do this, Satan will lose strength! we can act among you, especially in your families, today so paganized and atheistic. I want to exercise my LOVE in this way".