Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 8, 1999
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Message of Our Lady

Chapel of the Apparitions ¨C Hour of Grace
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady came in a golden dress and cloak, Her Rosary hanging from Her Hand was golden.
She came accompanied by three Little Angels, one on the right side, one on the left side and one below His Feet; she could only see Him from the waist up. They remained all the time looking, as if in ecstasy, at Our Lady, His Immaculate Queen.
I asked Our Lady if She could bless the people present, their relatives and their objects of devotion, to which She answered:)
(Our Lady) "- Yes, with great pleasure I bless them".
(Marcos): (Our Lady drew the Sign of the Cross on the people. I asked the Blessed Virgin if she had any intention for today)
(Our Lady) "- Tell the people who are going to the Procession and Mass today to offer today's Communion for the conversion of atheists, especially for the conversion of Chinese atheists, who are in greater numbers.
Pray a Hail Mary for the souls in Purgatory today, asking that they be freed from Purgatory by my Immaculate Conception. Today a great number of souls leave Purgatory and go to Heaven".
(Marcos): (Our Lady then transmitted the following Message to those present)
(Our Lady) "- I want you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day. I want you to do penance for your sins, and no longer offend My DIVINE Son Jesus Christ, who is terribly offended with great sins.
If you make sacrifices and penances, HE will forgive you. I pray without ceasing for all of you, but. you must amend yourselves, be converted and repent of your sins.
I will continue to appear here, every day, but...there is little time left for me. Convert without delay!
Announce My Messages, and believe me, wait steadfastly, because My TRIUMPHER will come soon, and with him, the liberation of all of you from this evil world in which you live. Tears will be wiped away, and the tears will cease.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit."
(Marcos): "- Will you return today?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes, at 10:30 in the evening I will be here in the chapel, but ask the people to come with Communion now, to have gone to Holy Mass; to come prepared to meet with me.
I want to bless people tonight in a special way, because today GOD grants me all the graces that I want to ask Him for"(Note - Marcos): (At the end of the Apparition, Our Lady approached and put one of Her feet on the vase of flowers that was on the Altar, and blessed me.
I asked Her if I could give the petals of these flowers to people to use when they felt sick or in some difficulty. Our Lady nodded her head yes.
I thanked her for this special day. I asked her:
"- Most Holy Virgin, why is Our Lady so beautiful?")
(Our Lady) "- Because I am the Reflection of the Most Holy Trinity! Whoever sees Me, will come to see GOD"(Note - Marcos): (...and looking up to Heaven, he said:)
(Our Lady) "- I am the Immaculate Conception."(Observation - Marcos): (...and was serenely raised to Heaven)
Chapel of the Apparitions
Second Apparition - at 10:30pm
"- I am the Immaculate Conception! With this Name, I come to Jacareí full of Grace, LOVE and Mercy on this Day, to tell you: - Peace! Peace! Peace!
On this day when you celebrate My Immaculate Conception, GOD has granted Me a true Torrent of Grace to pour over all the Earth. Happy is the man who looks at Me and repents of his sins, and courageously decides to walk the straight path of holiness, of perfection.
As Immaculate Conception, as your Mother, I invite you to leave your personal sins once and for all, from now on! May those sins, may those vices, may those earthly attachments that you have kept until today, next to prayer, now be consciously and generously renounced by you.
I wish you to be totally Mine. My LOVE is impartial, I cannot tolerate that you love Me and My Son, and at the same time love Satan, sin and the world.
You must decide who you want to stay! and I invite you today to stay by My side so that I can introduce you to My Son Jesus.
If you do this, you will give immense joy to my Mother Heart, and to the FATHER's Heart in Heaven, which is so heavy with so many sins that HE is offended.
I want you to pray unceasingly on Christmas Eve, to make my Son Jesus happy, because Christmas Eve is one of the nights where HE is most offended the whole year.
I also want you to pray on New Year's Eve in your homes, asking forgiveness for all those who do not believe, do not worship, do not hope and do not love GOD.
On New Year's Eve a great wave of sins invades the earth, and the Eyes of the Lord fill you with tears.
Pray, My children! If you pray, I can obtain from GOD, for all of you, Clemency and Mercy. Otherwise, YOUR Arm will weigh upon the whole world.
I am with you and I will never abandon you! I am with you, even when you forget Me, or when you become insensitive and cold in prayer, and do not feel My Presence like this. (pause) I LOVE you, even when you do not love Me, and I watch over you, even when you do not watch over Me in prayer.
I am your Mother yesterday, today and always. and I bless you.
I grant to all of you who are here in this Chapel, that every year on December 8th the Rosary and the Rosary of the Immaculate Conception, the grace of taking one hundred and fivety souls out of Purgatory on this day, will be prayed. This Grace is granted only to you, who are in this Chapel.
However, if you are in mortal sin, you will not be able to take one hundred and fivety souls, but less. If you are in a state of Grace, you will give them the Grace of freedom on this Day, and they will fly to Heaven, and pray to My Feet for all of you.
This Grace the FATHER granted Me to give to you today, because today, the Daughter of the KING filled with enchantment. the Eyes of the Most High".