Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, December 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children.(pause) thank you all for coming today! I am the Immaculate Conception! With this Name I came to Lourdes, and appeared in the poor cave of Massabielle, to my little daughter Bernadette.
With this Name I come again to this world, at the end of this century, to tell you: - Raise your eyes to me, the Immaculate Mother of you! Let yourselves be guided by Me, who am the Star of Peace that GOD sends into the world, to dispel darkness, to prevent mistakes, and to accomplish the LARGEST DESIGN of my Lord.
I invite everyone to the purity of body and soul, so that they may appear before the Son of Man, who will one day return in Glory, immaculate, without stain and without sin.
I invite everyone to unite with Me in constant intercession and supplication for the Peace of the world, the conversion of sinners, the sanctification of the members of the Church, and the VICTORY of My Immaculate Heart.
As the Immaculate Conception, I invite you to come from all parts of the world to meet my Immaculate Heart, where you will find Strength, Light, Purity, Peace, Grace and LOVE.
Pray the Rosary every day. Love GOD over all things! and your neighbor as yourself.
On Christmas Eve I will return here to Jacareí, with St. Joseph and my Son Jesus, to bless the world.
Christmas Eve is the day, the moment, when the greatest number of souls leave Purgatory and go to Heaven! That is why I want you to spend it all in prayer and constant vigil of adoration with me, my Son Jesus.
Don't spend Christmas Eve in the noise, in the bouts and in the sins! Do not offend My Son Jesus anymore, who has already been barbarously offended in previous Christmases.
Pray! I will pray with you! Stay in the Peace of the Lord.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!!! The cry of My Sacred Heart is for you, today, a sign of My LOVE!! of My Mercy! and of My Tenderness.
Go to the feet of the Tabernacle, generation! there to adore Me, to love Me, to give Me thanks! to ask for forgiveness!! and to beg for My LOVE.
Generation! for the birds, I prepared the nests. for the foxes, the burrows! and for you, I prepared My tabernacles, to be what nests of LOVE. where I can find ME with the soul of each one.
Generation, My people, come to My feet! with a contrite heart. Cry! Shed tears like the Magdalene, copiously to My Feet! and you will reach out from Me Mercy.
Come fathers! come mothers! come weep to My feet in the tabernacle, for the sins of your children! for their sins, and their foolishness. Yes, accuse yourselves before Me. Perhaps you have failed in some way in bringing them up, and therefore have gone astray. Come, come and pray for them to My feet, and you will obtain Mercy for them.
Come ask My Feet for the Church, for My Pope! My Peter! John Paul II, and I will answer you.
Come, generation! to the Feet of the Tabernacle, where you will find remedy and balm for so many evils that are in you, that are in the world.
Come, children, pray for your parents to My Feet in the Tabernacle! Yes, the prayer of a very contrite and humble son, to My Feet, can save the father and mother, the brothers and sisters, and his whole family.
Come to My Feet, little children! little cherubs and pure! Come pray to My Feet! because your prayers to Me will force you to do madness of LOVE, for perverted humanity. The prayers of the children of ME force them to perform true miracles, and for this reason, I wish that they come to the foot of ME to adore Me! To beg Me, and to be with Me.
Pray the Rosary of my MOT every day! Pray the Rosary of DIVINE Mercy! Pray the Way of the Cross! Pray the prayers of reparation to my Heart and to the Heart of my MOTHER!
Spread Our Messages to the world!! for it runs to perdition, to the abyss, and to its self-destruction.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".
(Note - Marcos): (There were between 15,000 and 20,000 people present. There were some testimonies of healings with the Water of the Miraculous Source of Our Lady. The Cenacle was from 5:30 pm to 10:15 pm.
The Miraculous Fountain of Our Lady continues pouring Water without ceasing, night and day, and one can visit it every day)