Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, October 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Generation!(pause) LOVE calls you!!! My Sacred Heart, (pause) Origin of Life, calls you to stay at the foot of ME, generation.(pause)Listen. My Voice! Do you not recognize, O corrupted generation, My Voice that resounds, until today, to your ears, through the mouth of My little ones Prophets, that like David, I send to overthrow My proud enemy???.
Generation, (pause) I and My MOTHER have spoken to you of all the four corners of the Earth, through so many Apparitions and Messages, by the mouth of OUR little ones, but. as they did with the Prophets that My FATHER sent before Me! you kill, stone, and cut (pause) My Prophets.
Generation!!!(pause) where will you flee from My Arm???(pause) Generation!!!!(pause) where will you hide from My Eye, which searches everything. and see???.
I gave you LOVE, generation, but. you despised My LOVE, preferring the friendship of My eternal rival, of My eternal adversary,(pause) that in exchange of pleasure and power, subjugated and enslaved you.
Generation, (pause) there are few moments left for your definitive death, if you do not return to ME.
Return to ME generation!!! for My Heart will know how to give you Mercy.
Return to MY generation!!! for My Heart will know how to give you medicine.
Come back to ME generation!!! that My Heart will know how to give you. LOVE!!!(pause) I want you (pause) to the Foot of ME, generation.
In these times, I and My MOTHER(pause) We find ourselves almost more on Earth, than in Heaven, appearing in all Continents,(pause) Countries. of the World!!! in order to give you Messages, generation.(pause)Listen. Listen. because (pause) your Good Shepherd calls you.
My Feet. send them to you, generation! My Lips, trembling with longing, pronounce your name. And My Heart, broken with great affliction, has sought you.
Generation. O generation! bend your knees, bend your forehead to the ground, for I am holy! Three times Holy!
When an act of love and adoration comes out of your lips and sincere supplication to my Heart, then I will save you generation. (pause) and then I will open for you the curtains of my Sacred Heart, and I will show you the delights, charms and beauties that I prepare for you, generation.
Turn your mind to Me, your heart and your soul. and adore Me!!! Worship Me as My MOTHER!!! Worship Me with My MOTHER!!! Love Me for my MOTHER! Worship Me with the adoration that She has always taxed Me: - Her LOVE.(pause)Generation,(pause) I LOVE you.
Every heart of this unbelieving generation(pause) is loved by ME, although. feel such pain, because most(pause), turned against ME.
Generation,(pause) I AM LOVING YOU.
Generation, come. come now. come quickly to ME, while I still let you feel (pause) My Perfumes.
I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".