Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 2, 1999
In the condition of slaves of LOVE, according to the method of St. Louis Mary Grignon de Montfort, requested by Our Lady
Day of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

(Note - Marcos): (One month ago, Our Lady, in an Apparition, asked that all Her children who wished to consecrate themselves entirely to Her, in the condition of slaves of LOVE, according to the method revealed to St. Louis Mary Grignon de Montfort, should make the proper preparations, as requested in the Treaty of the True Devotion of St. Louis itself, and make the consecration today. She did not explain why the date, and I did not ask either.
Our Lady had not said how the Consecration would be done, and I assumed it would be after Her Apparition, before the Apparition Tree. But to my surprise and to everyone's surprise, Our Lady wanted the Consecration to be made before Her personally, present at the Apparition.
So, each one came and consecrated himself/herself to Her, according to the formula of Consecration of the Treatise of St. Louis. As if it took time, due to the excess of people and the size of the formula of consecration, Our Lady, at a given time, said that all the remaining ones could be done at once.
Then, everyone knelt behind me, and together they made their Consecration directly to Our Lady. While everyone consecrated themselves, the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady became visible in YOUR Chest. At the end of the Consecration, I saw a bunch of little hearts pass over my head, which all went towards the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, which gathered them all. Our Lady then took a prayerful attitude, and as she prayed, she came out like a smoke from her Immaculate Heart, as if she were burning or consuming something. Immediately I understood that it was Her Flame of LOVE that consumed those lives consecrated to Her, and offered them to the Most High, in union with Her, and through Her Mother Intercession.
Then Our Lady, in Her Maternal Kindness, asked for the sheets of consecration of Her children, (which She herself had asked for and signed, so that they could remember the Act of Consecration that they had made) to bless them. Her Immaculate Heart disappeared again in Her Chest.
After that, it allowed the individual consecration of those who wanted to do it, but not according to the formula of St. Louis, but also in the mentioned condition of slaves of LOVE.
It happened that while people were doing it, I saw that Our Lady disapproved. I asked what was wrong, and she answered that if it wasn't in the explicit condition of slaves of LOVE, it wouldn't be valid.
So I said this to the people, who together, helped, were repeating another formula that satisfied the conditions imposed by Our Lady, who rejoiced vividly.
On this day Our Lady came all in white, with an Angel on each side. One dressed in silver, and the other in gold. Then she said:)
(Our Lady) "- Today the Most Holy Trinity opens its Shrine to welcome the Act of Consecration of those who are here present with Faith and LOVE.
Ask for the leaves of everyone. Hold them in your hand, and bring them as close as you can to Me, that I want to bless them".
(Note - Marcos): (People gave me their leaves, and I got up and got as close as I could to Our Lady. We were so close to each other that no one could pass between us.
Our Lady looked longingly, and then spread her hands over the leaves. She made a Sign of the Cross on them. She told me to give them back to the people. Then she added:)
(Our Lady) "- My children, besides the promises I made to my son St. Louis Mary, I promise you through this Consecration, the Grace of a happy, serene and holy death.
I promise you the Grace of having My Most Special Protection at every moment of your life.
I also promise you the salvation and conversion of your relatives at the hour of death, especially those for whom you pray the most.
I promise in an equal way to all of you, on October 2 of every year, to remember this date, the Special Grace of having the penalties of your sins erased, if on this day you come here in a state of Grace".
(Note - Marcos): (I began to say a prayer of Consecration to Our Lady when I saw Her Immaculate Heart visible in my breast and then mine, coming out of my breast and going towards Our Lady's Heart.
She made a gesture of welcome, and my heart stayed in the palm of her hand, she then looked into my heart, closed her eyes.
From Her Heart came a very strong glow, as if it were an opening, and then She placed my heart inside Her Immaculate Heart, and out of it came the smoke of incense.
I thought that because I was heartbroken I had died, so I asked the Blessed Virgin:
"- Am I going to die?")
(Our Lady) "- No! Jesus wants you to stay one more time on earth, to make Me even more known and loved. Not enough has been done yet, your mission continues. And today I will give you new Strengths and new Graces to go forward".
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady placed Her Hand in Her Heart, and when She took it out a ray , like a arrow , that hit my chest, and I felt it tearing me, my chest burning, and I felt an indescribable joy.
Then, Our Lady said goodbye and rose serenely to Heaven)