Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 11, 1999
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, pray a lot! Satan is furious against those who pray and fast. Pray, because through prayer I will be able to prevent your strength and I will be able to help you.
Make Reparation for the TEN COMMANDMENTS of GOD, which are not respected. There are many who have already forgotten to make the reparation, and have not done it anymore".
Mount of Apparitions - 10:30pm
"- Dear children, My Battle against My adversary grows every day. he has entered the high ranks of the world and the Church, but. the FIRE of My Heart will overcome him.
Pray every day for My Flame of LOVE to blind Satan, and save the souls he has imprisoned. Pray a lot!"