Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, September 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children.(pause) I, your Mother, greet you and bless you on this day.
I am (pause) the Queen and Messenger of Peace. From Heaven I have come, and in Jacareí for eight years I have brought the Messages of the Lord, to give them with the afflicted Heart, to all of you.
My children, grave is the situation of your country. Brazil, which has received so many Graces from the Lord, has stepped in the trials of GOD's LOVE, and has now sinned as it has never done before. (pause) I ask you to fulfill the Rosary Crusade, which I and the Angel of Peace asked of you at the beginning of this year. Only a great Crusade of Rosaries can save this country (pause) from the abyss in which it is precipitated.
The Heart of the Lord is crushed, for so many sins that this Brazilian land commits, day and night. That HE may not give free course to YOUR Justice, and that I may achieve Mercy again, I beseech You: Pray. Pray. Pray... (pause). here is My request!
That in this month of September, beginning on the 15th, Feast of My Sorrows, all of you begin in your cities, a great Siege of Jericho, united in one heart (pause) and one soul. May this siege be offered by My Intentions and My TRIUMPH in Brazil. They will pray the Rosary for a week, day and night without stopping, for this land.
May the fasting on bread and water that I asked them for until 6:00 pm be done, from now on, until midnight.
Why do I ask you for so many sacrifices, My children? Because you cannot see with your eyes what comes to you.
Be converted. Convert yourselves. My Immaculate Heart moans, and My Eyes weep when I ask you: - Be converted.
(Marcos): "- Our Lady is crying."(long pause.)
"- My children.(pause) these Tears that I shed, are for LOVE you all. I don't want to lose you, so little children, listen to what I tell you with LOVE.
Do not sin anymore! Do not offend GOD anymore! Do not offend me anymore! No more thorns in my Heart! Commune! Long Live My Messages. Why don't you want to live them?
Convert! This (pause) is My bitter request of today.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of the Most Glorious St. Joseph
"- Me. Joseph, Servant of GOD and Blessed Adoptive Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I speak to you.
I LOVE them with a LOVE from a Father! I protect the Holy Church, the families and all of you, like a Father to his children. Therefore, little children, placed under my protection by the Lord, listen to what I say to you next to my Blessed Spouse, the ever-Virgin Mary, and to our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom I was a Servant and devoted Father on earth.
The Lord wants to save this great Nation, but to save it, only a great torrent of prayers can reach Heaven and move the Hand of the Eternal FATHER to save this earth, which otherwise, if it does not obey what my Blessed Spouse says, (pause) will not have salvation.
Little children, (pause) be good! Do not speak dishonest words . Change your souls and your bad habits.
Be good, (pause) very good!
Be pure, very pure!
Be humble, (pause) very humble!
Be fair, very fair!
Be perfect, like the FATHER in Heaven is perfect!
When you feel confused, withdraw to the side(pause) to pray. In silence (pause) and prayer, I will come to help you choose the right thing. When persecuted, raise your eyes to Me, and I will comfort you.
When you feel discouraged, look to My Hands, always extended to you, to pour out to you the Graces that the Lord has placed under My Sponsorship.
I will teach you to LOVE the Word of GOD! I will teach you to live with HIM! I will teach you to worship and please Him. I will teach you to LOVE, to serve, and to please (pause) the Sweet Mother of all. I want to be for all of you a POINT, which leads you to TWO Sacred Hearts.
The Immaculate Heart of My Everlasting and Sweet Wife Mary, is the Door of Heaven, (pause) and the devotion to Me and to My Heart, is the KEY that opens this Door!(pause)Call Me always like this:
Very Loving Heart of St. Joseph, pray for us!
And I will come, I will come to the aid of all of you, the Church, the world, souls! When I see My LIGHT, Satan will be blind, and he can do you no more harm.
I have the Mission to take Brazil to the greatest TRIUMPHER of the Immaculate Heart of the Ever Sweet Virgin Mary! If you invoke me on behalf of Brazil, I will help you.
Today, on this day, I bless the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, who is My figure on earth. (of protector and Father) Yes, because He has married the Church, as I have married Mary, the Immaculate Virgin! I shower My graces on Him, and I cover Him with My Sacred Cloak. and on all of you I shower the Blessing that the Most Holy Trinity has granted Me. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!(pause) Listen to Me! Listen to Me! Listen to me! My Heart (pause) expands for you!
Generation, why so much incredulity? Why so much hardness of heart? Why so much insensitivity before OUR Hearts that love you so much?
Generation, My Sacred Heart, in fremitus of LOVE and PAIN, has sent My MOTHER and MY Saints to this world to admonish them. but all, one by one, without exception of anyone, has given their (pause) backs to Heaven.
Generation, you are a recalcitrant people, and in your ears there is a stone, which has impeded(paused) My Grace from entering. I have been trying to pierce this stone, but. ME repeles, generation. Will I need to shake the earth under your feet a little more, so that you can hear Me?
Generation, the signs of the imminent VICTORY of OUR TWO Hearts are in your eyes, and you cannot see, generation? Don't you see that the earthquake that killed thousands of people a few days ago was a warning that My Mercy has granted you, generation?(it is the earthquake in Turkey)Until when do you intend to flee from Me?(pause)My MOTHER told you here, today, and in Fatima a long time ago, that many nations would be annihilated. This sign is not enough for you, generation?(pause)The heart of this generation has become so hard that even if I and My MOTHER appeared for all to see, you would not believe.(pause)Therefore, generation, I invite you to listen to My Voice for love, because I do not want you to come back to Me, in pain.
Generation, what can I do for you, if I rebel, raise your hands against Me, to wound My Heart?
Why, generation, do you keep making My MOTHER, so Pure and so Merciful, and who has loved you so much?
Come back, generation, come back! The way back is still lit for you! It is still generation day! Come back, before the night comes, and you will no longer be able to see Me, nor know where My Voice comes from. You won't know how to come back, and you will get lost. in the forests of hell.
Very soon, (pause) you will no longer see Me. therefore, generation, I call you: - Hear Me, hear My Voice. (pause) That My Church, against which the gates of Hell will not triumph, may spread to the whole world the Messages(pause) of Fatima, of Medjugorje, of Jacarei, and of the other places where My Presence is Real and Permanent.
These Shrines cry out to Heaven for reparation, because they were not believed! (pause) nor were they made known to the world.
And to all, to all who are here, I give the mission of making known to the world: - My seers, My WORDS and those of My MOTHER, and OUR requests. May this be the mission of each one, until death.
I LOVE all of you who are here. And this generation, though very sinful, is very dear to me, and because my MOTHER, and my Dear Adoptive Father Saint Joseph ME have asked Mercy for this generation, I will save many, but not all, from the great tribulation. If everyone believed, everyone would be saved. (Note - Marcos): (here Our Lord is sad, with the Shallow Eyes of Tears) He who believes, will be saved. He who shouts: - Save me, Lord! I will save you. But he who shuts himself in his pride, and in his prepotency, I will leave him to his own ungodliness, and it will destroy him.(pause)Generation, how I LOVE you! Come close to My Heart, that I may light My FIRE in you, and proclaim Me Holy, Three times Holy, and then you shall have Eternal Life.
I bless you all, in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit."
(Marcos): (The phenomenon of the sun occurred that day, seen by the immense crowd present. There were many testimonies of healings and conversions)