Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, July 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My children.(pause) as I said, some months before, the war ended soon. That was the first sign for you (pause) of the "BEGINNING" of the TRIUMPHER of My Immaculate Heart.
You live decisive times! All the time that remains for you, for the end of this twentieth century, must be consecrated all day long to Me (pause) for prayer.
The decisive moment (pause) of the struggle between Me and the great dragon (pause) has come. (pause) Now, what was hidden will appear. (pause) Everything that was veiled and hidden will be shown.
Pray! Keep the Faith steady! (pause) Keep watch for the Faith of all the people.
How many apparitions! How Many Messages! How many Graces I have given you during this century,(pause) but. you have not been converted.(pause) Since My coming here in 1991 until now, few(pause) have been converted.(pause) My children, convert! Listen to My invitation! Pray for Peace! Watch (pause) for Peace! Protect the Peace, (pause) first in your hearts, and then also around you.
Pray the Rosary every day!
Pray for the souls of Purgatory!
Pray for the Holy Father the Pope, who suffers so much!
Pray for the Church, for the unity of the Church!(pause) Pray for My children who have not yet known the LOVE of GOD, for atheists, who are many!
Pray for the youth!
Pray for the sick!
Pray for the world to understand, (pause) to accept, and to live. My LOVE.(pause)I am with you yes, wherever you go. I am especially at the side of My children (pause) who love Me, comfort Me, and make Me known throughout the world.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My people!(pause) Elected portion of My Sacred Heart!(pause) Listen. the call of ABBA.(pause) I AM LOVE, and he who loves with My LOVE, in Me and by Me, does not die, but will live forever.
LOVE is the secret of IMMORTAL LIFE. It was the LOVE that sanctified, (pause) that led to eternity, My Saints and My Saints. The knowledge of GOD would be of no use if there were no practice of LOVE.
On the day of your Judgment, private first, and universal later, I will not ask what you knew of ME, but how you loved ME, and how you loved souls.
I seek souls who consonate with Me! who love Me. who live according to My Precepts,(pause) and who are like balm for My Heart, and that of My Mother.
I beg for urgent conversion! If you had heeded the invitation that my MOTHER, since the early years of this decade,here,(pause) many souls would have converted.
You don't know how to listen to My WORD! You cannot understand it, nor can you live it, because you do not want to leave your sins.
I recognize that many want to give ME their being, but not all. I do not accept rivals! I do not share My garden and My addresses with any other adversary. If you want to be Mine, reflect on this WORD:(pause)-You cannot serve two masters!(pause) You cannot serve GOD, and the world.(pause) Generation, come listen to the beats of My Heart. Late , shiver of nostalgia (pause) and desire to help you.
The door of the sheepfold is still open. I have called sheep, but many of them prefer to join the goats. let them stay!!!(pause) Soon I will close the door, and no one else will open it, and there will be great joy inside my sheepfold, while outside, will come the night, will come the sadness, and the gnashing of teeth.
This aprisco(pause) is the Heart of My MOTHER!!! Those who have heard Her, those who have attended to Her, are inside Her Heart, My aprisco, and from Her they no longer come out, unless they discourage, unless they no longer want to.
Until the moment the doors of Hell close behind a soul, She is Mine, and I do everything for Her, but after She consciously chose Hell, and Hell closes after Her, (pause) I no longer recognize Her. (pause) So convert! (pause) without delay.
Take the Graces and the Message from this place to the ends of the world. I will be the one to speak! I will be the one to use you, and witness through you, to all the ends of the earth! Do something! (pause) Go. Announce to the world (pause) that LOVE is not loved. and that LOVE returns to you, to establish YOUR KINGDOM of Communion, Holiness, Righteousness, and Justice.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".