Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 23, 1999
Shrine of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Tell My children that My Heart is here, in this place, open to grant Graces, but. many of them come here and don't pray the Rosary, don't pray, don't ask, don't talk to Me, so they leave the same way they arrived here. with a hard heart, completely closed.
If you open your hearts to Me, then I will be able to realize great Graces in the life of each one of you".
(Marcos): (Our Lady prayed an Our Father for those present and their families. Then, if she turned to the people present, she laid her hands on them and prayed:)
"- FATHER, bless them for the merits of Our DIVINE Son Jesus Christ.
FATHER, may they be one in LOVE.
FATHER, may they have Peace.
FATHER, may they be free from all evil".
(Marcos): (Our Lady drew the Sign of the Cross on those present and said:)
"I come to tell my children that I am Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity!
I come to tell My children that I am the Spouse of the DIVINE Holy Spirit, and those who ask Me for the gift of the Holy Spirit, I will give them.
And what gift is this, My children? The Gift of LOVE. The Holy Spirit is LOVE!
Those who ask Me for the Holy Spirit, will be clothed with the Power of the High! They will speak with so much Power that they will convert the hardest hearts! They will ask for Grace and will be answered! Everything will become possible for those who have the Holy Spirit.
At the end of the Rosary every day, ask Me to obtain for you the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and you will be answered, each one as GOD wants.
The Holy Spirit desires to communicate Himself to souls, but He does not find hearts prepared and formed by Me, because souls do not accept My Messages.
The more I am present in their hearts, the more and more Thanks the Holy Spirit will give them. (pause) Pray! Pray! Pray!"