Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 2, 1999
Message of the Angel of PEACE

Sanctuary - Apparitions Tree
"I, the Angel of Peace, bring you a Message from the Lord:
C O N V E R T - W I T H O U T D E L A Y ! ! !
. it is the desire of the Lord! Convert yourselves all, for the hour of conversion is now, while the Grace of GOD lets Himself be found. If there is no conversion of their hearts, many nations of the world will have much to suffer. (pause)Brazil!!! that pena you give me! If you do not convert, you will be suffocated, in the midst of unparalleled torments. (pause) Latin America!!! you have been blessed with many caresses and delights of the Blessed Virgin, but great is also your sin! If you do not convert, sufferings will devour you like never seen before. (pause) America!!! you who from your first instant were placed by GOD in the colo of the Virgin Mother so that She would protect you, if you don't renounce to your sins and evils, you will be severely punished, because in exchange for so much LOVE, your conduct and your works are only of ingratitude and rebellion against your Lord! (pause)In the same way: - Europe! Asia!!! Africa! Oceania! If they do not convert, they will become whips of humanity. (pause) So that the innocent blood doesn't run through the earth, the Queen of Heaven and Earth descends to try to wake them up, from the madness of the sin they are in!
Convert them all! Convert yourselves all! There is no other remedy but prayer and conversion!
Throw a Crucile of the Rosary all over this country! May He be prayed everywhere, incessantly, so that Brazil may be saved. If you ask with humility and insistence, the One True GOD, in whom we live, will attend you!
Convert! This is what the Blessed Virgin Mary desires and asks, in the Name of the Lord. Convert! and then the LOVE of GOD will transform this earth, into a clear mirror of Heaven, of Paradise!
I, the Angel of Peace, love you very much, and I care for Peace to remain in your families and hearts. I am not known as the other Three Archangels: - St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. So here is my desire: - that the devotion to this Angel that the Lord makes known to them today may also spread throughout the world; so that the world may know Peace, so that my name may be invoked in their prayers, and thus the world may receive Peace.
This is the Desire and Order of the Lord Our GOD to transmit to you today! I am faithful to Him, and I fulfill obediently His Orders and Wishes.
May the Lord bless you all, and may His Infinite PEACE always remain with you all!"