Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 30, 1999
Message of Our Lady

Everything you do for the construction of the Chapel is to my liking. I want you to do the best you can and pray in it.
Second Apparition
Chapel of the Apparitions - at 10:30pm
(Our Lady)"- Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ".
(Marcos) "- Forever Be Praised."
(Our Lady) "- I thank you for what you are doing for the Chapel. Everything you do, however small it may be, becomes prayer and becomes supplication for world peace and the conversion of humanity".
(Marcos): (I asked Our Lady if She was happy with the presentation of the ribbon of Her apparitions in Jacareí, to which She answered:)
(Our Lady) "Yes, I am very happy. Tell My children to acquire these tapes and take them to all the ends of the world. May the whole world listen to My Voice!
Do not be afraid. Spread the word! because I am the one who will do the conversions through her. I will give her the Power to touch hearts".
(Marcos) "- Do you have a Message for us?"
(Our Lady) "- Dear children, offer this night of prayer, this vigil, for my most beloved Son, Pope John Paul II, who suffers and needs your prayers.
Offer also this vigil for Peace in the Persian Gulf.
I will be with you all night, My son, even if you do not see Me. Pray with your heart and lead everyone to do the same".
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady invited me to pray a Glory to the Father for the intention of all the people present and their families.
(Our Lady invited me to pray a Glory to the Father for all those present and their families.) Then she smiled and came, and with the tip of her finger touched my forehead. She did not explain to me the reason or the meaning of this gesture, nor did I have any desire to know. It always happens like this, many times Our Lady does some things that I don't understand, but while I am with Her, I don't feel curiosity or desire to know the meaning, it's enough for me to be with Her, and I always know, in an impossible way to explain, that everything She does for me is LOVE. I feel full when I am with Her, I miss nothing, I could stay all my life there, seeing Her, receiving Her LOVE, loving Her.
Then She gathered Hands on Top of Her Chest, looked up to Heaven, looked up at the people present, and lifted Himself up until He disappeared).