Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 12, 1998
Mount of Apparitions - at 6:30 pm
Message from Our Lady

Our Lady was dressed all in white, and had a Crown with many Stars, which revolved, around Her Head
(Our Lady)"- Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised!"
"- Will the Lady return today?"
(Our Lady)"- Yes, at 10:30 pm I will appear to you again in the Chapel."
(Marcos) "- Does the Lady wish to say anything special to us?"
(Our Lady) "- I wish that tonight, you pray intensely, that the Cenacle be done with great joy, and above all, that you meditate today on the Message that I and Jesus gave you on the seventh of last month. My Messages are not to be put in a drawer, but in your hearts."
(Observation - Marcos): (Then Our Lady extended Her Hands over the people present and prayed in Her Mother Tongue. As She prayed, from Her Body a smoke, as if it were Incense, rose to Heaven. At the end of Her Prayer, from Her Hands came down reflections of Light on those present, which I understood to be Her Blessings)
(Our Lady)"- Tell them that I have prayed for them all, that I bless them, and thank them for coming here. None of them will return home empty-handed, but they will all receive a little of My Graces."
(Marcos): (Our Lady then, looking up to Heaven, added:)
(Our Lady) "Go in the Peace of GOD."
(Marcos): (Then She traced the Sign of the Cross over the people, and slowly walked away)
Apparition in the Chapel - at 10:30pm
(Our Lady) "I am very happy for My children who are here. Pray with Me an Our Father for their intentions."
"- Heavenly Mother, two young men have asked me to tell the Lady that they wish to consecrate themselves to Your Immaculate Heart."
(Our Lady)"- Answer them that I accept them as My consecrated ones, and that I so will."
(Marcos)"-Do you Lady wish to give us a Message?"
(Our Lady) "- Tell My children: - Dear children, I am with you, and I ask you to believe as if you were seeing Me!
Take Me home in your hearts. If you take Me with you into your home, every kind of evil in your home will flee! Where I enter, evil must leave! If you invite Me, more than soon I will enter your hearts, and come with you.
This Christmas, may I find in your hearts my cave, my cave of Bethlehem.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Marcos): (Here ends the part audible to all of the Message, spoken by Our Lady through me. What follows was communicated only to me)
(Our Lady)"-My child, tell My children to pray the Rosary even more. you have not yet known all the greatness and all the beauty of the Rosary. Make an effort to pray my Rosary more and better.
Come and receive its blessing."
(Marcos): (When Our Lady, at the end of each Apparition, calls me to receive Her Blessing, She does so in the way She has always done since the beginning of the Apparitions, except for the first few times.
Every day, at the end of the apparition, Our Lady extends Her hands over my head, letting fall a rain of little pebbles of Luzf, while she prays over me in silence for a few moments. Her countenance is very tender, very maternal, and what I feel cannot be put into words.
This happens even in the apparitions on the seventh day, when She comes together with Our Lord, who at these moments, is watching us with extreme affection and sweetness. It is as if it gave Him extreme pleasure to see Her like this, in His Goodness.
In the blessing for those present, Our Lady generally blesses those present with outstretched hands, makes or traces the Sign of the Cross with immense tenderness and LOVE, and then departs slowly, rising again toward Heaven, as happened at the end of this Apparition.
At times, the Sign of the Cross is broken up into countless pebbles or jets of LIGHT that land on those present. At other times, as Our Lady ascends, she leaves behind her a great red heart, beating with beats of light, signifying her LOVE for all.
At still other times, She follows different ways, entirely new ways, according to Our Lady's intention. It does not follow a rigid pattern, but is spontaneous and natural, like the normal gestures of a living person. However, the ways I have reported here would be, so to speak, the most usual, Her favorite perhaps)